Who in yours eyes are the best PC game developer in the whole loyal to the PC community sorta way. Discuss!
CAPCOM -Created games like Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV with superb PC ports
Valve - Shouldn't require an explanation but they made Half Life, Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2 and started up the online gaming reveloution STEAM.
BioWare -Created such great games as KOTOR, Dragon Age: Origins, Jade Empire, Mass Effect (And its upcoming sequel)
Bethesda - The geniuses behind Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Series
DICE -The makers of the Battlefield series AND Mirrors Edge.
iD Software - DOOM, QUAKE and the upoming RAGE
Blizzard - The MMORPG god with titles like WoW, Starcraft and Diablo under their belts.
Treyarch - Recently shone in front of PC gamers with their latest Call of Duty: World at War
EPIC - Makers of the Unreal Tournament Series and Gears of War
Infinity Ward - Haha, just joking.
OTHER - Please specify
Due to poll limitations, just post who your favorite developer is.
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