I will not be but who knows if the game will actually die. I loved the game but they made it so easy and boring. Hopefully this will knock it off its high horse.
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I'm not going to play it (haven't played since the last patches of WoTLK), but honestly, this isn't the first time we hear this. Is The Burning Crusade going to be end of WoW due to the changes? Is Wrath of the Lich King going to be end of WoW due to the changes? Is Cataclysm going to be end of WoW due to the changes? and now: Is Mists of Pandaria going to be end of WoW due to the changes? It's not going to end until Blizzard pulls the plug on it.trastamad03
You're right, which is unfortunate knowing the blizzard can add stupid content and people will pay $40 for it. Its like people paying for faction changes or in game mounts for $25.
Why would it be the end of WoW? I pre-ordered the CE like I do with every WoW expansion. Can't wait.
The only thing that can kill WoW now is Blizzard. Miroku32
...blizzard can add stupid content and people will pay $40 for it. Its like people paying for faction changes or in game mounts for $25.Millard11Expansion packs full of new content aren't the same as optional (and often charity based) aesthetic mounts and optional faction changes.
I loved the game but they made it so easy
Criticizes WoW's difficulty
Hasn't done anything challenging in the game.
You should have criticized the PvP whilst you're here. Just don't tell anyone you've been stuck at 1600 rating.
oooooo did i strike a nerve? truth is everyone, probably yourself included complained when they made the game challenging and actually fun. The best thing about the game is the PVP because of the challenge. I will not be paying 40 bucks to play as a panda. I did to play as a werwolf but i cant for a panda.
I loved the game but they made it so easy
Criticizes WoW's difficulty
Hasn't done anything challenging in the game.
You should have criticized the PvP whilst you're here. Just don't tell anyone you've been stuck at 1600 rating.
oooooo did i strike a nerve?
You compared optional vanity mounts to full expansion packs and then you came to the conclusion from the above quotes that I was angry that you said the game was easy. Now you're saying something else just as stupid about paying 40 bucks to play as an optional race whilst completely blowing past everything else the expansion pack has. You don't seem to understand the concept of an expansion at all.You're obviously not very good at interpreting things.
The comment about the PvP was a joke related to how typical people are criticizing the game's difficulty whilst being baddies. I'm having to point that out because you have trouble with interpretation.
Criticizes WoW's difficulty
Hasn't done anything challenging in the game.
You should have criticized the PvP whilst you're here. Just don't tell anyone you've been stuck at 1600 rating.
oooooo did i strike a nerve?
You compared optional vanity mounts to full expansion packs and then you came to the conclusion from the above quotes that I was angry that you said the game was easy. Now you're saying something else just as stupid about paying 40 bucks to play as an optional race whilst completely blowing past everything else the expansion pack has. You don't seem to understand the concept of an expansion at all.You're obviously not very good at interpreting things.
The comment about the PvP was a joke related to how typical people are criticizing the game's difficulty whilst being baddies. I'm having to point that out because you have trouble with interpretation.
Yes that add more dungeons and a new questing area and 2 new pvp game types. But it's all the same stuff nothing new. Blizzard will take your money and you are willing to pay 40 dollars for the same stuff. Same boring quest grinds. I didn't compare them I merely wanted to mention them as a way to sucker more people out of money. Obviously you are angry because someone doesn't agree with everything you are saying, but that's what makes the Internet so great. Self gratification in think you are smarter and right about everything. :)I wont be playing Mist of Pandaria since I'm not otherwise a WoW player. However the notioni that WoW is going to die or end sounds like wishful thinking on TC's part. WoW is going to slowly loose subscribers year after year, the lower they get the less they are going to loose. Looks at other old MMO's EQ, EQ2, Ultima, even Asheron's Call. Right now, there's absolutly no reson why WoW wouldn't be around 10 years from now.
not me, I tried the first and the lich king expansion with friends but the graphics was a downer for me. Will it be the end of WOW? not likely to happen as long as the expansion comes out and of course the amount of subscribers, but i can see few mmo fans going aways from it and who know in a near future it might just.....
I might play it a few years down the line when it is 50% off, but I'm not playing at launch. I think it will be better than Cataclysm, but I've grown bored of this type of game. I also don't want to pay subscription fees anymore. I might pay for a month or two along with $20 for the expansion (when it goes on sale), but I don't have any long term interest.
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