YES!!!!!!! Finals of FINALLY ( new phrase xD)... I can beat the computer on easy in Warcraft III!!!!!! I can't believe THIS!! I beat the computer today on easy, but he had his handicap on 50%, but inspite of this, I think that now I can beat it on 80% or maybe 100% handicap! As I didn't lose ANY of my units while assaulting and I beat the computer with very very ease on 50% handicap. I'm gonna try on 70% or 80% handicap now.
Anyway, with orcs I wasn't able to beat it (mirror game), and now with night elves I was able to beat a human computer with ease. I think that maybe I'm better with Night Elves, or because I practiced and watched replays of pros. Anyways, I could beat the computer and that's what matters to me now.. Gongratulate me! xD
I really thank everybody that helped me in my previous posts on how to beat the AI in Warcraft III.
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