[QUOTE="fireandcloud"][QUOTE="lordlors"][QUOTE="BlackAlpha666"][QUOTE="fireandcloud"][QUOTE="Andrew0987"]why do people do anything? BlackAlpha666
a question that has vexed scientists/philosophers/theologians for many, many years and will continue to do so till the very end...
Because you will die eventually. So if you don't do anything, you might aswell just kill yourself right now. I guess I just owned all those scientists/philosophers/theologians.
agreed. it's a simple question really just made complicated and complex by scientists/philosophers/theologians. one who makes simple things complicated or complex is a fool to himself. past exists for the existence of memories regardless of it being bad or good and for the correction of mistakes. present exists for us to make plans and take actions. future exists for the existence of dreams, goals and objectives. past and future gives the reason of existence of present which makes us do anything.
well, that simple answer works for you but what about all those people who are impoverished or have it really rough? i guess in your simplistic viewpoint, they should all kill themselves. and this is mostly a response to the guy who claims to have owned the scientists/philosophers/theologians, but i welcome a response from either.
and by the by, that's just a simplified nietsche-esque philosophy you're spouting, so you didn't actually own anyone; you just duplicated nietsche's thinking.
I don't know what you mean with the people that have it rough. I just don't see what that has to do with what I said. I simply gave you the answer to your question: Why do we do anything?
"Because you will die eventually. So if you don't do anything, you might aswell just kill yourself right now."
1. If you plan not to breath, eat, drink, etc, then you will die. You might aswell not have been born in that case. I think that's obvious, right?
2. Let's pretend you don't have to eat, drink and breath. If you decide to stand at the same spot forever until you die of old age, then you've done the same thing. You might aswell not have been born in that case too. You've only been prolonging number 1, the end result is the same.
So, the thing is that people want to do things because they don't want to die. You eat, drink, breath. You basically do anything to stay alive. These days it means you must go to school, get a job, become a hobo, etc.
If you were immortal for example, then everyone would just perform number 2, sit or stand in one place forever because everything has a point at which you don't want to do it anymore. So eventually you will have nothing to do. Life will be meaningless. Maybe you would sleep all day. Or look at the sky all day. Just know that nobody will want to work, so civilization as we know now, will not exist.
By the way, when I said "I guess I just owned all those scientists/philosophers/theologians" I should have noted that it was sarcasm. Everything I just said above, I've heard from "all those scientists/philosophers/theologians".
totally agreed. this is what i mean. we all have a time that we do nothing for relaxation, thinking or divine communication with one's self but we will always do something. also, to the person saying people that have it rough then it further proves my point because they have a stronger sense of purpose to do something unless they are lost and lazy. those who have lost the will to live and are lazy thus doing nothing are destined to fail in life. all people will have rough times in a part of their lives anyway. i just had a very rough time too.
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