and why do you guys ignore pretty much everything the pc offers other than multiplats and console ports? Im not talking about everyone, but 90% of the people here dont seem like pc gamers at all.
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and why do you guys ignore pretty much everything the pc offers other than multiplats and console ports? Im not talking about everyone, but 90% of the people here dont seem like pc gamers at all.
many comments state that they hate mmos period. And it seems all people talk about is console games.Because we PC gamers have higher standarts,unlike the console gamers who play every piece of crap developers throw at them(super mario galaxy 10/10 wtf?)
If we don't like a game why would we spend money on it?
And how did you come to the conclusion that we hate MMOs?
true, however im talking about this board.Hmm weird,last time I checked WoW had about a million people and was on PC only.
I too play many multiplat games, but I also don't ignore the pc stuff. I think part of the mind set here is that gamespot reviews are the gospelTerrorRizzingI don't think we've been reading the same threads... What exactly is "the PC stuff", by the way? If you're talking about PC exclusives, then yes, MMOs and big RTS games are pretty much the only genres that are exclusive to the PC these days... but does "PC exclusive" automatically make a game worth having and buying? It' shouldn't. Most people buy the games they want, when they come out for their preferred platform, and very few bother to spend money on a game they have no interest in. Somehow I doubt that being released for PC makes a game any more enjoyable or fun to play if it wasn't to begin with, just because it's on PC. The game itself has to be good to be worth spending money and time on.
I too play many multiplat games, but I also don't ignore the pc stuff. I think part of the mind set here is that gamespot reviews are the gospel, we all should know by now how gamespot reviews work... the more casual and consolized a game is the higher the score. Funny thing is, reviewers and console gamers think that something like mario galaxy, call of duty or assasins creed is a hardcore experience, lol. Why not to ignore the pc stuff if i am not interested? In the past there were many games i liked on the pc, like say system shock 2, deus ex, half life, quake 2, doom 3, far cry. But now apart from the witcher, arma 2 and cryostasis i cannot find any other pc exclusives i am interested in. So why the hell should i ever play a game i am not interested in for the shake of being a pc game? I played penumbra series because i like the horror not because there are pc games. But i am not interested in mmos, so what? Als taken from the rating sytstem "the higher scores in our range speak to a game's ability to appeal to casual or non-fans of a specific genre" You got your answer but in second thought, crysis got a 9.5 and it was nothing like a casual console game. As for why i stick to the pc nowdays and dont leave it for the consoles? Multiplatform games get cheaper much faster on the pc.[QUOTE="dakan45"]Let me tell you why i hate them. Because they are pointless, you just go online, talk, kill level up and do party quest without a main story or a goal or a fun gameplay mechanic to mess with. I can have tons of more fun by playing a singleplayer rpg instead. Also if a game is pc exclusive, that does not mean i have to go for it. I will buy whatever i am interested in and not just for being a pc game. If a game i am interested is multiplat, then ill get it and i could care less if it is multiplat or not. The game is what matters.TerrorRizzing
[QUOTE="TerrorRizzing"] I too play many multiplat games, but I also don't ignore the pc stuff. I think part of the mind set here is that gamespot reviews are the gospelChiliDragonI don't think we've been reading the same threads... What exactly is "the PC stuff", by the way? If you're talking about PC exclusives, then yes, MMOs and big RTS games are pretty much the only genres that are exclusive to the PC these days... but does "PC exclusive" automatically make a game worth having and buying? It' shouldn't. Most people buy the games they want, when they come out for their preferred platform, and very few bother to spend money on a game they have no interest in. Somehow I doubt that being released for PC makes a game any more enjoyable or fun to play if it wasn't to begin with, just because it's on PC. The game itself has to be good to be worth spending money and time on. well you arent wrong, except someone will come on here and claim pc gaming is in the dumps. Its as if games like the stalker series, arma 2, witcher, dawn of war 2 etc don't even exist. Red Dead Redemption didn't make it to the pc as of now, and remember how there was 100 threads about it... this is just one game. Theres also claims that every multiplat game is made with pc as an afterthought, which is obviously not true when developers like valve, bethesda, dice and bioware treat us very well with multiplat games, making the pc version an actual pc like experience. Sure games are getting a bit more casual friendly as gaming goes mainstream, but this isn't all console... just look at the sims, wow or even farmville (you cant ignore it just because it isnt along the lines of traditional gaming).
not a fan of paying monthly for MMOs and all the ones that have an f2p option arent that great (e.x. runescape, anarchy online)
[QUOTE="TerrorRizzing"]I too play many multiplat games, but I also don't ignore the pc stuff. I think part of the mind set here is that gamespot reviews are the gospel, we all should know by now how gamespot reviews work... the more casual and consolized a game is the higher the score. Funny thing is, reviewers and console gamers think that something like mario galaxy, call of duty or assasins creed is a hardcore experience, lol. Why not to ignore the pc stuff if i am not interested? In the past there were many games i liked on the pc, like say system shock 2, deus ex, half life, quake 2, doom 3, far cry. But now apart from the witcher, arma 2 and cryostasis i cannot find any other pc exclusives i am interested in. So why the hell should i ever play a game i am not interested in for the shake of being a pc game? I played penumbra series because i like the horror not because there are pc games. But i am not interested in mmos, so what? Als taken from the rating sytstem "the higher scores in our range speak to a game's ability to appeal to casual or non-fans of a specific genre" You got your answer but in second thought, crysis got a 9.5 and it was nothing like a casual console game. As for why i stick to the pc nowdays and dont leave it for the consoles? Multiplatform games get cheaper much faster on the pc. not saying you have to, just dont understand why you insist on being in every thread on this board. I dont really like my ps3 that much lately, I dont spend all day on the ps3 forums talking about why it sucks.[QUOTE="dakan45"]Let me tell you why i hate them. Because they are pointless, you just go online, talk, kill level up and do party quest without a main story or a goal or a fun gameplay mechanic to mess with. I can have tons of more fun by playing a singleplayer rpg instead. Also if a game is pc exclusive, that does not mean i have to go for it. I will buy whatever i am interested in and not just for being a pc game. If a game i am interested is multiplat, then ill get it and i could care less if it is multiplat or not. The game is what matters.dakan45
Not on ever thread. Eg: i have stop caring about sports, rts and racing games. I am in a thread that i am interested. I was always pc gamer first and ps3 second. But the way consolazation is taking multiple steps forward is making me clearly doubt my faith in pc gaming and how things will evolve in the future.dakan45fair enough, although I have doubts about the viability of console gaming when microsoft, sony, and most the heavyweight publishers cant even turn a long term profit anymore. I see more and more people not bothering with these shiny consoles and doing their gaming in different ways. Yes gaming is becoming a more casual friendly thing, but its hurting the consoles much more than the pc because of the very nature of how consoles make money.
[QUOTE="Renevent42"]"fair enough, although I have doubts about the viability of console gaming when microsoft, sony, and most the heavyweight publishers cant even turn a long term profit anymore." What do you mean by that? Are you saying console devs/publishers aren't making any money?dakan45He is saying that console game making and publishing has huge loses from profits. I jut cant see how, if it did they would stick with pc instead, wouldnt they? it seems alot easier to make money on pc, you can sell many less copies and still turn a profit. heck you can go free to play and make money on microtransactions or advertising, its the downfall of closed platform as the internet keeps grwoing and evolving.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]Ehmm crysis 2 is a multiplat.... far cry 2 became a cheapy console focused multiplat. MW2 did not have lean or dedicated servers. Thats what i mean, everything is turned into a console focused game. Here goes deus ex to fit in right along with the rest. Bad company 2 and batman arkham asylum....i respect them, wonderfull job on the pc version.;)TerrorRizzingwell not everything, mass effect on pc was leaps and bounds better than on 360, the ui, the controls, the framerate etc... Dragon Age feels broken on console, as does oblivion and fallout 3 (especially the ps3 version). Unfortunately for devs, they are forced to go multiplat to make these big budget titles because the user base is so scattered thanks to us having two big consoles and pc. IMO, if all we get this year exclusively is star craft 2, a wow expansion, dawn of war 2 chaos rising, napoleon total war, stalker call of pripyat, the arma 2 expansion, the definitive version of portal 2 (valve games feel cheap on console to me), and a few indy titles we already have the best lineup. We didnt get red dead redemption as of yet, but I guess you cant get everything on one single platform. well i agree on most parts, but i need to disagree with one of the games, fallout 3, i thought that felt amazing on the x360, but the controls were a bit clunky i will admit
and why do you guys ignore pretty much everything the pc offers other than multiplats and console ports? Im not talking about everyone, but 90% of the people here dont seem like pc gamers at all.
Some wild accusations being thrown around here. Firstly, if we didn't play multiplats we'd be in dire sitatuations since exclusives are barely ever produced for the platform anymore. Obviously we're happier when an exclusive rolls around - it means the game is being designed for PC primarily and won't bare the usual problems that comes with a port (poor control design, poor user interface, fail mouse support).
I'm not sure anyone 'hates' MMOs here just on principle, but there are a few glaring problems that most, if not all, people have. Firstly, I'm not a fan of paying a fee every month to play a game - it may be an updating, dense game, but generally, I don't consider it worth it. I'm waiting for an MMO to prove me wrong. The other issue, is that in time, most MMOs die out, and all the effort the user has put into their characters is all lost. This formula seems to be pretty consistent - if your MMO isn't World of Warcraft, it's not going to thrive for too long.
I'm not sure anyone 'hates' MMOs here just on principle, but there are a few glaring problems that most, if not all, people have...1carusConsidering how many people play MMO's, I'd say what you said is a minority opinion.
He is saying that console game making and publishing has huge loses from profits. I jut cant see how, if it did they would stick with pc instead, wouldnt they? it seems alot easier to make money on pc, you can sell many less copies and still turn a profit. heck you can go free to play and make money on microtransactions or advertising, its the downfall of closed platform as the internet keeps grwoing and evolving. Emm, yeah the games you mentioned however were clearly made with the console in mind. Plus valve and bethesda are known for leaving the pc version to be modded to hell. To mass effect on the pc, well that was one of the last remnants along with halo and gears of war. If ea had not bough bioware we would never get mass effect thanks to ms who is also sticking to console gaming. The thing is that in the case of mass effect, the devs had enough time to aknowledge their mistakes and fix them in the pc version. But when they have anounced all 3 versions usually you can spot that if it comes after the console versions, its gonna be "less bothered with" if you know what i mean. But in bad company 2 and batman AA, well they trully impressed me. I have rented fallout 3 on the ps3 and it looks awful, i played it on the x360 however and it looks ok, not as good as on the pc. But it felt more stable less stuttering. I have to admit i do not consider fallout 3 to run stable on the pc,. For most of the time the fps are jumping from 60 to 30 all over the place and followed by minor stuttering. As for hl2? I also played it on my ps3 and noticed no overal diffirence. Graphics are as dated as in the pc version and the control felt like a console fps. No reason to play on the pc unless i want mods.[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="Renevent42"]"fair enough, although I have doubts about the viability of console gaming when microsoft, sony, and most the heavyweight publishers cant even turn a long term profit anymore." What do you mean by that? Are you saying console devs/publishers aren't making any money?TerrorRizzing
[QUOTE="1carus"]I'm not sure anyone 'hates' MMOs here just on principle, but there are a few glaring problems that most, if not all, people have...Renevent42Considering how many people play MMO's, I'd say what you said is a minority opinion.
You're absolutely right. I was gonna respond by saying "When did I say it was the general consensus?" and then I realised I actually did write that. Hmph... I'm tired right now. My intention was to contain that piece on MMOs as my own opinion. I don't doubt that most don't have an issue with either of the points I raised.
WoW and its clones are a plague to what an MMO could be. Something with so much potential is wasted on grinding, poorly thought out quests, linear character progression, timesinks which don't serve any purpose (achievements), not skill based and slower based combat that seems tacked on.
Is it really that hard for an MMO to have a large world to explore that shapes the character depending on actions, quests that are in line with characters, and a fluid skill based combat system like Mount & Blade?
[QUOTE="1carus"]I'm not sure anyone 'hates' MMOs here just on principle, but there are a few glaring problems that most, if not all, people have...Renevent42Considering how many people play MMO's, I'd say what you said is a minority opinion. You're claiming that most PC gamers regularly play MMO's? Any proof? Or just a guess?
[QUOTE="Renevent42"][QUOTE="1carus"]I'm not sure anyone 'hates' MMOs here just on principle, but there are a few glaring problems that most, if not all, people have...Mcspanky37Considering how many people play MMO's, I'd say what you said is a minority opinion. You're claiming that most PC gamers regularly play MMO's? Any proof? Or just a guess? he never said regularly, he just said 'How many people play MMO's'
[QUOTE="Renevent42"][QUOTE="1carus"]I'm not sure anyone 'hates' MMOs here just on principle, but there are a few glaring problems that most, if not all, people have...Mcspanky37Considering how many people play MMO's, I'd say what you said is a minority opinion. You're claiming that most PC gamers regularly play MMO's? Any proof? Or just a guess? I would say a large portion does, its like the evolution of the rpg and games like oblivion and the witcher feel old school to an extent.
[QUOTE="Mcspanky37"][QUOTE="Renevent42"] Considering how many people play MMO's, I'd say what you said is a minority opinion.TerrorRizzingYou're claiming that most PC gamers regularly play MMO's? Any proof? Or just a guess? I would say a large portion does, its like the evolution of the rpg and games like oblivion and the witcher feel old school to an extent.
here is your proof
You're claiming that most PC gamers regularly play MMO's? Any proof? Or just a guess?Mcspanky37
Let's call it an educated guess... And proof? One look at WoW's sales gives some indication of MMO's popularity on the PC...and that's just ONE game. Factor in all the other MMO's and their sales...well I think it's pretty obvious MMO's make up a pretty hefty portion of the PC gaming user base.
Of course you could disagree...but I don't think the actual facts would support your position ;)
You're absolutely right. I was gonna respond by saying "When did I say it was the general consensus?" and then I realised I actually did write that. Hmph... I'm tired right now. My intention was to contain that piece on MMOs as my own opinion. I don't doubt that most don't have an issue with either of the points I raised.
Oh no problem man, I'm not disgareeing with your opinion anyways. I don't see much value in MMO's either these days, but there was a time when I did play and had fun. Maybe in the future when a new type of MMO emerges I will once again see the value...but for now no.
well you arent wrong, except someone will come on here and claim pc gaming is in the dumps. TerrorRizzingWell, yes. That's called "trolling" and happens on any forum, not just here. ;)
IMO, if all we get this year exclusively is star craft 2, a wow expansion, dawn of war 2 chaos rising, napoleon total war, stalker call of pripyat, the arma 2 expansion, the definitive version of portal 2 (valve games feel cheap on console to me), and a few indy titles we already have the best lineup.TerrorRizzingAnd people who have no interest in those titles are not going to be here to talk about them, nor will they buy them. They'll buy and post about the games that they do look forward to and want to play. :)
Oh and another thing, death to spies, a pc exclusive, its not that its not good, its just that i am not interested and many people dont either. However scorpion disfugired and necrovision were ok, kinda weak titles but atleast interesting to play.dakan45ya now we are getting into the lesser titles, good games but not mind blowing. Its nice to have these games because they are atleast unique and might appeal to the right people. I feel like they are like the fourth line on a hockey team, nothing fancy but they can help get the team going.
[QUOTE="TerrorRizzing"]well you arent wrong, except someone will come on here and claim pc gaming is in the dumps. ChiliDragonWell, yes. That's called "trolling" and happens on any forum, not just here. ;)
IMO, if all we get this year exclusively is star craft 2, a wow expansion, dawn of war 2 chaos rising, napoleon total war, stalker call of pripyat, the arma 2 expansion, the definitive version of portal 2 (valve games feel cheap on console to me), and a few indy titles we already have the best lineup.TerrorRizzingAnd people who have no interest in those titles are not going to be here to talk about them, nor will they buy them. THey'll buy and post about the games that they do look forward to and want to play. :) ^Exactly i for one couldnt care less for dawn or war 2, was, napoleon total war and i am debating wherever to get starcaft 2 or portal 2. So at the end i will be most likely to talk with a multiplatform game instead that i am interested like say rage, mafia 2, deus ex.
^Exactly i for one couldnt care less for dawn or war 2, was, napoleon total war and i am debating wherever to get starcaft 2 or portal 2. So at the end i will be most likely to talk with a multiplatform game instead that i am interested like say rage, mafia 2, deus ex.dakan45mafia 2 has my interest, it seems like a pc game that they made console versions of. Im 100% fine with this kind of multiplat "consolation", I dont expect devs to always put all their eggs in one basket these days. I mean so the game will be on console, I dont care since many of my favorite pc games have made it to console over the years, from wolfenstein to diablo.
[QUOTE="Mcspanky37"]You're claiming that most PC gamers regularly play MMO's? Any proof? Or just a guess?Renevent42
Let's call it an educated guess... And proof? One look at WoW's sales gives some indication of MMO's popularity on the PC...and that's just ONE game. Factor in all the other MMO's and their sales...well I think it's pretty obvious MMO's make up a pretty hefty portion of the PC gaming user base.
Of course you could disagree...but I don't think the actual facts would support your position ;)
You're absolutely right. I was gonna respond by saying "When did I say it was the general consensus?" and then I realised I actually did write that. Hmph... I'm tired right now. My intention was to contain that piece on MMOs as my own opinion. I don't doubt that most don't have an issue with either of the points I raised.
Oh no problem man, I'm not disgareeing with your opinion anyways. I don't see much value in MMO's either these days, but there was a time when I did play and had fun. Maybe in the future when a new type of MMO emerges I will once again see the value...but for now no.
What's your guess of the amount of paid MMO players? My guess? ~9-11 million max. You're telling me that there's only 18-22 million people who play games on the PC (even just occasionally?)
Intel's guess? Well, they say estimate there's 100-150 million enthusiast PC gamers. That's back in 2009. Not only your educated guess is bad, it's hundreds of milles off the mark.
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