I've been playing the beta for a while now and really can't figure out what all the hype for this game is all about.
The controls are just bad. They are sluggish and wonky. Switching from a normal gun to sniper doesn't drop the sensitivity enough so you have to adjust it on your mouse. Anyone who doesn't have a gaming mouse is at a disadvantage. In other games, aiming feels like an extension of your hand. In this game, it just feels weird and unresponsive. Add in that you can't strafe while running (which is akin to not being able to turn your neck while running in real life), you can't go prone, knifing is horrible, and vehicles handle poorly. The controls alone are preventing me from getting this game.
Next you have gameplay. I understand there will be other gametypes and perhaps I'd like those better, but the one in the beta I'm just not big on. It basically comes down to vehicle camping, sniper camping, lone wolves, people using C4 to take out the objectives in an instant, and stupid squad spawning in the back with a bunch of medics. Some may argue that the squad spawning in the back is a strategy, and i agree that it is, but if a game requires its players to resort to cheap tactics in order to win, it's pretty lame. Also, in all the time I've played it, I've never felt part of a "team". I've always felt alone and doing stuff on my own. There is zero sense of cooperation in this game. Even if I join a squad, no one talks or tries to do anything together. The only way you can feel like you're cooperating is if you resort to the lame squad spawning behind the enemy.
There are other minor quibbles I could mention but at this point, who cares? I feel like this game could have been an absolutely amazing game if just a few things were balanced, changed, or added. Some things I understand to a point such as the no prone, but there are ways around that to prevent abuse. The fact that they don't implement them tells me they don't care or it's just a console port.
So I ask, why do you like this game? I honestly can't understand its popularity. I feel like FPS's are just getting worse and worse every year and I personally feel like consoles are to blame. That's a whole other discussion though. I'm just trying to wrap my head around how so many people can overlook so many fundamental flaws. I want to like this game.
Joke post?
-Gaming mouses doesn't make a clear cut over standard mouses, specially in shooters NOT heavily skill-based as BC 2.
-No prone; the game lacks this feature, but I think is not critical and makes the game more agressive.
-Knives are insta-kill, so the rate of attacks is slow, but still very efficient. Vehicle handling is as in most of BF: the best in the genre.
-You're either playing with the worst bunch of n00bs since the full metal jacket movie or just trolling. Is one of the FINEST teamwork oriented shooters in the market, due it has a improved squad respawn system, that not lonly gives your teammates the chance to reborn up to in 3 different points, but also to look what is happening in any of the available locations.
-Some of the exploits -as the C4+ quads rushes- will be fixed in the final game -increasing the amount of charges needed to destroy M-COM Stations up to 15-.
I'm not trolling. I tried to explain that I really wanted this game to be good and think it's really close to being good but there are so many things that all add up to me and many of my friends to just not even bother. My friends have played coop games before and we don't think this is anywhere near "one of the FINEST". If you call spawning on your squadmates while hiding behind the enemy with a bunch of medics fun, then by all means, it's all yours. I don't get it. To me, it's almost an exploit. I know it's not but it gets pretty stupid to kill someone only to have them revived magically as if defibs have become the greatest medical advancement since penicillin.
The mouse thing I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. You may not realize it but mouse sensativity does change automatically when you zoom in with your sniper versus a different gun. In COD for example, it drops a certain amount to make your aiming more precise. In this game, it doesn't go down enough when you use your scope. I have to use my sensativity setting on my mouse to take it down even further otherwise the crosshair jumps too much.
The prone I can live with but it is stupid. I think it's most important for when you're trying to avoid being spotted by a tank. It's pretty hard to sneak up on a tank when you can't even hide behind anything! They could have made it so snipers can't go prone with their rifles if you're worried about snipers being too hidden. There are many options here but they didn't even try.
The knife's animation is delayed and wonky. I can't tell you how many knife fights I've seen or been in where no one could stab eachother because it's too inaccurate. Again, it's minor and I could live with it but it adds up.
As far as vehicles are concerned, the land based vehicles are fine. I was mainly getting at the UAV and chopper. Yes you can get used to it with practice but it is no where near being intuitive or user friendly. It's been done better in other games.
Maybe my definition of coop is a little more elaborate than yours is? Just because you can spawn on your teammate doesn't mean there's a lot of cooperation going on. There's zero cooperation going on between squads. One squad has no idea what another is trying to do. Neither me nor my friends have ever felt like we were part of something bigger that we were all working towards. We always feel like we're doing our own thing. This game is supposed to be based on coop. I feel like it's failed miserably. Maybe they need to bring back the commander from BF2 or have VOIP between squad leaders? Something needs to change though to help unify the team because I rarely play in games that are close or where people are working towards a common objective.
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