well, i myself also feel that oblivion is truly the superior game here, morrowind does have more variety in weapons, and armour, and overall has alot more features than oblivion, but i think oblivion was a far superior story, compared to morrowind, which had a very difficult way for you to actually do quests becasue of the poor direction they gave you. but oblivion has full voice overs, tho it did have a few problems, i know, it was much better than reading the screen full of text that morrowind throws in front of you. and the armour in oblivion i thought looked alot better, mainly becasue of the far superior graphics but it seemed like they took alot more time on designing the armour with in the game. and that does bring me to the fact that morrowind is pretty much an eyesore for most people, after playing oblivion, and i know some people like to think that running all the different texture packs and stuff on morrowind will make it look as good as oblivion, well it doesnt , Morrowind will never compare to oblivion visuals. overall i do believe oblivion is the better game, and i think the people who say they like morrowind better are just sad they are letting it go.
oh ya and i forgot about that combat system in Morrowind like seriously it was horrible, it went something like this slash slash slash slash, stab, stab, thrust. Oblivion had actually a pretty good combat system for a kinda fps role playing game.
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