Welcome to marketing in the US. Some souless vag fart whose just graduated with a degree in marketing spews forth a bunch of viral ads in the media, filled with the most extreme of superlatives. Talentless hacks who pass themselves off as professional game reviewers pick up on the meme in the forums and spew the same drivel in their reviews. Wouldn't want to deviate from the pack, someone might take notice after all. Finally, the semi literate, mouth breathing sheep who've never had an independent thought in their lives read both the viral ads and then the reinforcing review and turn into raging zealot fanboys who shout anyone who disagrees with the conventional wisdom with their customary level of erudition, i.e "LOLZ, you dont like (fill in the blank)! Shut up nooB! U jsut suxxors LOL!! ITs the best game EVAR! Stinky's house of inbeeding and console reviews gave it like 10 out of 10s!!!!! (fill in the blank RULEZ U= teh LOZE"
The exception being, of course, if said fanboy already read a review of a previous game that he's now convinced is the BEST EVAR!!!! He then sees it as his duty to defend said game and will go out of his way to talk about how much the new game "SUX", how the fans are all ghey how (fill in older blank) is still the best game ever and he'll then go onto any site that allows fan reviews and give the new game the lowest score possible.
This idolization of games is nothing new. Look at the pre-release hype around games like Half Life 2, HALO, Grand Theft Auto IV, etc. Were you to believe the reviews or the forums, you might as well stop playing games after the release of whatever title they're over inflating at the moment because obviously no other game will ever surpass it.
Just ignore the hyperbole, find a few reputable sites or people you trust and find ou their impressions. That or try a demo before you buy.
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