Yeah, I used to have Jurrassic Park: Operation Genesis for the Xbox. It was listed at over $100 for a new one. I put mine on eBay and got $60-$70 for it, and this was a couple years ago. Now it is going for anywhere from $140-$200 new, but its used price seems to have dropped considerably. (more around $20-$30 now) So I guess I sold at a great time.
Wow, Jedi Academy on Amazon is over $100 new and $65 for a used one. But this is for the PC version only, Xbox version isn't really in demand. Even on eBay there are some going for over $60. I'm glad my friend bought Jedi Academy for me for PC on my birthday a couple years ago, I woudln't have otherwise cause I already had it for Xbox.
Though if you look at Amazon, alot of these old games that didn't really get great reviews are going for ALOT of money new. Another one is Alien vs. Predator Extinction, that is anywhere from $70-$170 new. I sold mine on eBay a couple years ago (at the same time I sold Jurrassic Park) for around $50.
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