Yahtzee's review of Oblivion is the case in point of why he is a brilliant humorist, but he's not a real game reviewer. He ragged on Oblivion for the entire "review" and Oblivion is an execptional game. Not perfect, not by a longshot. But very good.
Is that video funny? Yes very funny. Does it pick on things Oblivion deserved to be picked on for? OHHH yes, absolutely. Does it give someone who knows nothing about Oblivion a fair overview of the games strengths and weaknesses. Absolutely not.
Yahtzee's reviews are stand up comedy for gamers. His insightful slams on games are a hoot for people who have played the games. He's no help for the virgins. He's funny, insightful, I love his videos.
But, he's not a game reviewer.
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