Most likely no. They are two very very different games. Awhile ago I started a thread about what happened to games like AOE, AOM, and Empire Earth because StarCraft 2 is nothing like them. StarCraft 2 is a lot more like Command and Conquer if you have ever played those games. It has a totally different feel, strategy and style. AoE was and is one of my favorite games, but StarCraft 2 a good game in its own rights isabsolutelynothing like AoE.
I have not played a ''Command and Conquer''game before so I dont know what kind of ''feel ''you're talking about. Btw I've also played Company of Heroes.It's just a different style of play. I played AoE as well, played the first one and AoE II. StarCraft has an easier resourcing system, in that instead of worrying about food, rock, wood, and gold as well as supply, you just worry about Mineral, gas, and supply. The resources in your main base area don't really last very long though, causing you to have to keep expanding just to keep the resources flowing.
Another thing I notced is that games don't tend to last as long in SC2 when compared to AoE. My longest game has been 1:15 so far, and we pretty much had mined out most of the resources available on that map.
the best way you can tell if you'll like it or not is to go on youtube and start watching some matches. You;; get an idea of how the game plays and see if it makes you want to jump in yourself. I'd reccomend getting the game as I liked both of these games, but then again, I'm just a sucker for RTSs :P
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