That does look cool for playing games that are dark and you need to turn out the lights. I would go to a local Best Buy or Comp USA to see if they have one so I could feel the keys before buying though. If they don't Saitec products are usually pretty good.
they are both equally great keyboards. i myself wouldn't spend that much on a keyboard (referring to the eclipse). my uncle has the eclipse 2 and while its good, it feels exactly the same as my regular dell keyboard and the lights are the only advantage it has. gaming keyboards wont help you play better. just get the regular one.
I don't know, my g15 keyboard has been the "best feeling" keyboard I have used. It just... its hard to explain, but the pressure to press a key and the style and layout just works perfectly for my set-up. I have never liked the stock ones that come with pre-builts...
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