I've got the HD 2600 in my laptop overclocked to 600/450 from 500/400 stock (which makes it very similar to the desktop 2600 pro with DDR2). I made up a custom game config file for good performance throughout the game at 1024x768. Basically, I have everything on low, but medium sound, water, volumetric effects and physics. The config file modifies the low shader settings so that the trees and grass look like medium shaders (so they move and have more realistic shading), but also I have shading on surfaces like metal, glass and terrain on high. I still have occasional dips below 25fps in some areas (like the zero-gravity area), but generally the framerate is around 30 or more. So, yes, the HD 2600 is just about good enough for Crysis, but I consider it the bare minimum (I wouldn't want to go lower than 1024x768 ).
Here is what's in my config file
To get a config file, I copied the one from here: My Documents > My Games > Crysis > game.cfg , cleared everything in it, entered my settings and renamed it "System" and placed it in the main crysis folder (program files, not the one in my docs).
Note: For some reason, the address of the config file I specified won't post with backslashes, so I have used > .
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