well, it'll never be like the old sierra/lucasarts days, cuz back then all there was were adventure games. then came the rpgs. then came the fps. and that was that. adventure games will be around, but you won't see the quantity and quality that you saw back then.
More quality adventure games came out in 2007 than any year preceeding it. Check out freeware adventure games, ok theres a lot of crap but theres a lot of good there too. http://www.darscom.net/top_ten_freeware_adventure_games.html is a good place to start... but just shop around. The advent of the internet and the open source revolution is allowing many people to express their creativity which is a wonderful thing, though a lot of it goes unnoticed.
Stop being bound to commercial releases... freeware games are foremost free and can often be excellent.
I think a good example of Adventure games going downhill is Dremfall 1 compaired to the longest journey, sure TLJ was a good game, just nowhere near as great as Dreamfall was, it has much more of an impact.
A Vampyre Story (ex-Lucasarts) is looking awesome and So Blonde (from the Broken Sword writer) looks pretty great, and there's Sam and Max Season 2 on the horizon.
The adventure genre actually looks to be in as good a state as it's been for years right now. If Tim Schafer could just come back to the light side, we'd be golden.
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