packard bell ixtreme 8520 .. nvidia geforce 8600 gs 512mb .. 2048mb RAM .. hard disk copacity = 320gb turbo_20000
Um do not buy a prebuilt. Everyone here in the PC hardware forum and show you how to put it together and point you into the direction of websites that show step by step process with pictures.
[QUOTE="turbo_20000"]packard bell ixtreme 8520 .. nvidia geforce 8600 gs 512mb .. 2048mb RAM .. hard disk copacity = 320gb Killfox
Um do not buy a prebuilt. Everyone here in the PC hardware forum and show you how to put it together and point you into the direction of websites that show step by step process with pictures.
Yup. :) Please, for your sake, TC. Build your own PC. Pre-builts are expensive and they have very poor performance.
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