pre-ordered a Dev Kit.. it will be cool i think but for the rest of you id hold off a bit they said ooh well have 500 units a day ooh we'll start shipping in April for pre-orders
nope and the sad thing is they have yet offically confermed the delay to the public. the website still says "may shipping" I think they are biting off a bit more then they can chew most of their news updates are worded for PR and less honest, open timely feedback to their members for example they NEVER said at all that Unity Pro might be required to use Unity with the rift however yesterday they release this very "nice" PR worded "news" saying oh wow yeah Dev Kit owners will get 4 months of Unity Pro FREE! then you read further into the article and it says oops, Unity Pro is REQUIRED to use Unity on the Rift....well gee thanks for waiting till now to tELL US
and Palmer stating that "its not about PR" thats a joke. They have been overhyping this thing for months and the problem is they reed to scale back on the hype train. get the dev kits out the door first giive it time for devs to come up with cool stuff work on somehow finding ways to produce them faster so that devs can get them faster.
Its going to be a cool device i think but i am not sure if it will end up being a "must have" for gamers if a) they cant work on getting production faster and b) get more game support. and i find it odd tha Carmack one of the orignal people on board with the Rift and said Doom 3 is the first Oculus ready game....suddenly at the last minute oops sorry Doom 3 BFG wont be ready and theres no word at all if it will be ready for the Rift anytime soon a bit odd dont you think given how excited he seem to be and the fact he said at E3 last year "i think i have the best virtual reality demo the world has ever seen" - Carmack.
If you have the money sure go ahead pre-order a kit but your going to be waiting for a while. otherwise id take a wait- and see approach. honestly with all the news about it and he more or less have shared whats in the device itself i woudnt be suprised if other companys come up soon to develop something else like it at not a high cost
honestly a company like Nvidia might be better suited for it anyways Oculus only has 20 people i think and i think they really are biting off more then they can chew, a company like Nvidia would have much more resources to intigrate it into a lot more games and have much faster production instead of having to wait 4 months for them to churn out 14,000 units.
We shall see.
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