now that an LCD screen is a normal thing to have in every house
new issues start to appear, the main issue is with high resolutions
that are requiering powerful and expancive video cards.
So if one to play Necrovision on 1680x1050 (or higher) with all set to high
he really needs quiet an expancive video card.
the solution in some of the cases is to play in a window mode
problem is that some developes completly ignored this fact
and they could of easly reduce minimal requierment by just offering a window mode in the games options.
That is when some solution started to pop up all over the internet
from costom configurations (*.cfg/*.ini) to 3d party software
problem is that because the games are not designed to be played in a window mode
we all see a sharp image quality drop, espacially when it comes to far objects, like snipers
that are practicly impossible to see unless they shot and you see the spark.
I noticed it during a game play in COD:World at War
I am forced to play in a window mode because only then i can enjoy at least 40 FPS with my HD3650 512MB
while on full screen i get a majot FPS drop to 20-25 avarage and 10 when im looking at smoke
I also noticed that reducing the quality to minimal effects the FPS just slightly, unlike the resolution...
So maybe the say about CRT screens beein the best screens for gamers is actually true?
CRT screens are supporting all resolutions (to a limit obviously), they are projecting true color (especially black)
and obviously the 100% support for HD (unlike many LCD screens)
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