All of a sudden Crysis is starting in windowed mode. It never has before. I know if you use alt.-enter it will take you out of it. Is there a permanent way of fixing this?
There's probably a setting in your profile thats not being saved. Click properties on the execution file and see if fullscreen is enable. On another note you can always Alt/enter when you start up.
All of a sudden Crysis is starting in windowed mode. It never has before. I know if you use alt.-enter it will take you out of it. Is there a permanent way of fixing this?
Sounds like a task switch. Crysis automatically switches to Windowed mode if it loses focus as a means of graceful transition. Otherwise, things can get ugly.
To fix your current problem, switch back to full screen and quit Crysis while in full screen.
All of a sudden Crysis is starting in windowed mode. It never has before. I know if you use alt.-enter it will take you out of it. Is there a permanent way of fixing this?
yah dat also happens to me but I just hit alt+enter...don't bug me much
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