Hi guys,
Not too long ago I got Warhammer: Spacemarines. My laptop was able to run it on high settings with maybe a few hickups in the framerate but nothing to get in the way of gameplay. Anyways for some reason the sound was terrible, stutterring all the time. So after updating drivers, trying all kinds of solutions, giving up and going back to trying things out. I ended up putting the priority of the game to high in windows task manager. All of a sudden the sound stutter was gone and even those small frame-rate hick-ups were completely gone. Game running smooth as butter.
But windows does warn you about imablancing the system or whatever. I've googled and get very mixed results on whether it can be dangerous to my laptop or not. I'd only do this for games of course, not any windows applications or whatever. So are there any negative results? Maybe even just bigger chance at overheating my laptop or something? I'd very much like to know, same for putting it on realtime.
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