I would go with GOG.com
Not because it's cheaper... I don't think it is, but all the money goes to CD Projekt AND you get a bunch of free content for pre-ordering, and they won't charge you until the Witcher comes out.
Also all gog.com games are DRM free, including Witcher 2.
If there's one developer that I wan't to support as much as possible it's Cd Projekt.
Their uncompromising - PC GAME FIRST! Attitude is just what the PC platform needs more of.
Ya, support a company that is releasing their game with only support for 16:9 screen resolutions....i think not.
Thats pretty convenient for their console development. I wouldn't exactly call that "uncompromising - pc game first attitude."
Anyways, if you must buy, D2D is probably the better choice because (as you all know) Steam doesn't offer good pre-order or new release prices.
Did you not tune in to CDP's spring conference for TW2? They specifically said that the game has 16:9 AND 16:10 support.
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