been playing witcher 3 version 1.08 with all recent patches and dlc on windows 10 with amd rig, got to say i think this is the new graphics king, there are other worthy contenders alien isolation, da i, crysis 3, tomb raider, skyrim, metro, havent played shadow of mordor or ryse, but i cant see them being better. crysis had a good run, game still holds up 7 years later
the witcher 3 is definitely a technical and artistic masterpiece, one can only imagine what cd projekt could have achived if they had capacity to develop for pc only, and nvidia wasn't proprietary with gameworks..
The game definitely looks phenomenal but like some others have said, it can be inconsistent at time. I guess that's to be expected in a large open world game though.
Definitely graphics king when it comes to its environments.
You can just get lost in this game starring at the beautiful vistas. The fact that this world is open and you can just act like a globetrotter in this world makes it even better.
Ive been thinking about buying this game and hoping it's more appealing to me than skyrim has, I just cant get into it like I did oblivion. The world seems lifeless, though ive added a ton of mods it still isn't cutting it for me. The part I liked the most about oblivion was the side quests, I could live without all the gate closings...
Looks pretty muddy, flat, blurry, and ugly often IMO. Very visually inconsistent. Arkham Knight looks much better, even lacking the rain shaders.
Looks great to me.
I made a nice lengthy post comparing screenshots from TW3 and Arkham Knight graphically to examine what I like and don't like about each game. But my post instantly vanished after posting (which seems to happen too often). I'll just keep it short.
What I see in that picture is Geralt standing on a muddy texture, with foliage sprinkled everywhere and unimpressively flat water behind him. Geralt himself looks like he's a collection of a few average looking textures pasted over his body. No impressive shaders, textures, or effects to be found anywhere. Just a decent art-style with some decent foliage sprinkled around and some nice colors. Nothing great IMO. Graphically, a solid 7 at best.
(Might have to view in new window to prevent stretching)
Now let's take a quick look at my Batman screenshot. Unlike TW3, there are a ton of eye-catching textures, shaders, and effects. Take a look at the ground for example - unlike TW3, the ground isn't completely flat looking at all times. There are even pot holes with water building up in them. TW3 is completely missing this level of detail from its graphics. The water? It's amazingly dynamic looking as it crashes into the docks. Unlike the water in TW3, it looks completely 3D (instead of being flat enough to play ice-hockey on). Ultimately AK, even in just random spots in the city, looks extremely polished and sexy even compared to the best of what The Witcher 3 has to offer.
Also, I think you should play more recent games. Games like Alien Isolation, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Skyrim are nowhere in the running for graphics contenders. If these are games you consider to be some of the best looking to date, no wonder you think TW3 is the best looking game.
Try Star Citizen, KF2, Arkham Knight, GTA V, Dying Light, or even MGS V. These games are closer to being the best looking.
IMO both Ryse and Mordor look significantly better than The Witcher 3 in most instances (TW 3 can look better at times but it also often looks like a low-budget game in comparison). For many people it will be up to preference but my point is that TW3 is quite far away from being a clear cut graphics king.
Technically it's currently the most impressive game out there. And no Arkham Knight looks impressive but at the end of the day it's UE3 game and not open world as well. Witcher 3 is more impressive overall.
Technically it's currently the most impressive game out there. And no Arkham Knight looks impressive but at the end of the day it's UE3 game and not open world as well. Witcher 3 is more impressive overall.
Arkham Knight isn't open world? That's news to me.
And I'm not sure what UE3 has to do with it being less technical or not. The Unreal Engine is extremely versatile and is responsible for many great looking games. But I guess if they really want to compete, they need to take away all the great looking effects and replace them with flat textures, blurry assets, and bright
Looks so amazing when you're out climbing rocks in TW3's open world. Not.
Really, a game being open world isn't necessarily a good thing when it's not all up-to-par.
Technically it's currently the most impressive game out there. And no Arkham Knight looks impressive but at the end of the day it's UE3 game and not open world as well. Witcher 3 is more impressive overall.
Arkham Knight isn't open world? That's news to me.
And I'm not sure what UE3 has to do with it being less technical or not. The Unreal Engine is extremely versatile and is responsible for many great looking games. But I guess if they really want to compete, they need to take away all the great looking effects and replace them with flat textures, blurry assets, and bright
Looks so amazing when you're out climbing rocks in TW3's open world. Not.
Really, a game being open world isn't necessarily a good thing when it's not all up-to-par.
What you are doing is cherry picking the worst you can find.
Sure the Witcher 3 doesn't have the highest res textures but overall it is one of the best looking games.
Also the water is supposed to be somewhat flat when it's a freaking river.
It's not like they are out in the middle of the ocean during a heavy storm.
ai, da i and skyrim are 3 of the best graphics games to date, fact, not opinion. time not an issue in this case, its software, it wont degrade, so if great in 1520 still great in 2015, if anything should improve as games are patched and hardware becomes more efficient.
you criticize tw3 but list ak, ak, a game that on pc that was pulled from digital stores because it badly needed patching for graphics among others, you commented on some other things in previous post re ak, isnt tw3 a gameworks production, same as ak and some other games you listed, go look at nvidia's geforce gameworks website. gta v was worked on to improve it for pc, sc is not complete, mgs v wasn't even being given away free by nvidia with select cards till ak debacle.
not saying the games listed are not of great graphics quality, they are among the best, just not the best atm, are there other games to released in the future that will be better, sure.
Witcher 3 is still technically more impressive. Arkham Knight's map is nowhere near as big as Witcher 3 and a lot more goes on, in Witcher 3, on screen at once, like dynamic weather, day and night cycle, living breathing cities and so on.
Arkham Knight is nothing compared to that. Aesthetically it looks great and have pretty impressive textures and effects too but Witcher 3 is way more impressive overall. Few cherry picked screens won't change that. Hell, aesthetically I think even Witcher 2 is more pleasing to eyes than Witcher 3 but does it make it superior to the third one? Hell no.
graphics king is, and always will be, Halflife 2. The Source engine is nothing short of brilliant; runs on anything, beautiful textures, scaleable, upgradeable.
I know it is not the most advanced or what have you but, dammit, it is a workhouse and looks good too. And when modders get their hands on it? Wooooooooeeeeeee
I thought we were past these "graphics king" discussions anyways? Let the people in SW endlessly insult each other over which game has the best graphics.
Was Skyrim just mentioned as a GFX King contender?
With Mods sure.
Vanilla no way.
Even with mods, I'd say the consistency suffers and has nothing on the likes of Crysis 3 (well, in terms of enjoyment it does, I guess).
Modded Skyrim can look very good. But I agree there are still games that look far better. (Not to mention it takes like 16 gigs of memory to properly run all the texture/skybox/water mods all at once)
I have both games, and it's a terrible comparison. Witcher 3 has so much more animation and moving things in it's world than batman. The trees swaying, grass moving, much bigger world, way more higher detailed NPC's. Over all Witcher 3 is much more impressive. Skyrim doesn't count, you are gliding through a non interactive barely animated world.
I have both games, and it's a terrible comparison. Witcher 3 has so much more animation and moving things in it's world than batman. The trees swaying, grass moving, much bigger world, way more higher detailed NPC's. Over all Witcher 3 is much more impressive. Skyrim doesn't count, you are gliding through a non interactive barely animated world.
Trees swaying = good graphics? Seems easy to impress you. Many games having swaying trees and foliage. It's not that visually impressive nor is it a technical achievement of any game.
The NPC's aren't that detailed, They're much less detailed than the average NPC in Batman or even Mordor.
Take this NPC for example. This blurry bloke really impresses you? C'mon, you people are looking at this game through some goggles. The NPC's in this game could fit right in with a last-gen game. What other current gen games have such blurry characters casually placed in the environment?
MGS V TPP has taken the crown in my opinion, but Witcher 3 does look better than when it launched (although that may be due to the performance issues I had)
MGS V TPP has taken the crown in my opinion, but Witcher 3 does look better than when it launched (although that may be due to the performance issues I had)
MGSV has nice lighting and pbr. Everything else in it is average to below average.
MGS V TPP has taken the crown in my opinion, but Witcher 3 does look better than when it launched (although that may be due to the performance issues I had)
You know there is a pill for that. ;)
It took a minute....but I see what you did there hahahaha!
MGSV has nice lighting and pbr. Everything else in it is average to below average.
Below average? Ummmm....ok. Care to elaborate?
Models are pretty low poly for a current gen game, you can find tons of things with extremely blocky geometry. For example, look at the spare tire on a jeep, extremely blocky, and very noticeable considering one section of the game has you sitting in the back of the jeep for 10 minutes. Look at the shotgun shells on ocelot's chest, they are pentagons. A lot of cliffs you stand on look really bad and have poor textures on top of it. I can list a bunch more examples if you'd like. MGSV doesn't try to compensate for it using tessellation either.
Textures are average for an open world game, not much to say about them. Some look ok, others look bad.
Shadows are super sharp, and very jagged. Not very impressive considering most modern games have decent softshadowing and some even have contract hardening shadows.
The stock SSAO option in MGSV is just horrible. It reminded me of the crappy SSAO you got in DX9 unreal 3 games from 3-4 years ago. I ended up forcing HBAO+ from Nvidia's CP because I couldn't stand MGSV's default SSAO. Nvidia has a nice comparison that shows how back their stock SSAO looks compared to HBAO+
The world in MGSV is very sparse for an open world game. There is barely anything in it compared to other recent open world games. For example, compare the amount of detail in MGSV's environments to the extremely lush forests in Witcher 3.
Modded Skyrim can look very good. But I agree there are still games that look far better. (Not to mention it takes like 16 gigs of memory to properly run all the texture/skybox/water mods all at once)
Unmodded Skyrim GraphicsModded Skyrim Graphics
Thats the most ridiculously absurd and unfair comparison I've ever seen.....
MGS V TPP has taken the crown in my opinion, but Witcher 3 does look better than when it launched (although that may be due to the performance issues I had)
I don't really understand the praise for this game's visuals. It looks pretty drab when you are out in the open world. Some nice lighting effects to be sure but overall I don't find it to be very visually impressive.
Mad Max on the other hand has some of the most stunning environments I've seen.
I realize the game environment is pretty much a desert, but they manage to do some pretty interesting stuff with the visuals. Going between this and MGS V is like night and day.
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