Multi-Player- - Mediocre FPS shooter, Disfunctional Spawn system, crap maps, lots of servers with bad players, Below par computer system makes for obsolete graphics and boring gameplay, lots of bugs, several tweeks still needed and many are gamebreaking, repetitive weapon upgrades, ranks, not enough blood(-) all the mediocrity
Single player-Unchallenging, bad AI, bosses are nothing worth noting, FPS with a taste of sorcerey should have stick with the real world, you hardly blink while playing because you'll quit to the desktop first.
This is a realistic post by someone who actually plays the game, I see several overhyped post on this game and i think it's getting over-evaluated, played FPS games from the original Wolfenstein 3D and Quake to COD 4 and Rainbow 6, Wolfenstein is a soul-less game and will have you return it to the store in hours
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