WoW is a complete waste of time. Think about the time that it has/will take you to level all of those characters to 85. You will miss out on a ton of other great games and tbh, life in general. Uninstall that trash and come back to the real world.
Right, cause every other video game ISN'T a waste of time, right?
I think what kungfuchaos was trying to say is, often when playing MMOs it end up being more of a job than a game. For instance the basic MMO model is all about grinding to get better gear/stats, no one really enjoys killing X amount of monsters repeatable, but they do it so they can level thier character.
Thats why I quite MMOs until they change thier model, I just took a step back and thought "Hmm I just spent a couple of hours doing task in order to make my character PvP viable when I could have spent that time actaully PvPing (andprobably much morebalanced/skill based PvP mind you)in a non MMO game, this isn't fun at all."
Hopefully GW2 or TOR will change this forumula up, but I haven't missed MMOs since I quit playing them.
I realize that, but some people enjoy doing all of the "work" needed to build up a great character, hence my comment. No one has the right to determine what is a waste of time or not. You do what you want enjoy doing. You could say that being on these forums is a waste of time because you could be out making real-life conversation and relationships, but you're here because you enjoy being here.
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