I think its pretty stupid having to pay for a game that youve already bought. Thats why i quit WoW. Millions of people are addicted to this game. Eliminating the monthly fees for WoW would be a small price for Blizzard to pay. Because of Diablo etc. they rack in millions if not billions of dollars on an annual basis. Plz post your opinions.
How would it benefit Blizzard to keep you playing WoW if you didnt pay a monthly fee for doing so? It would be bad buisness to spend large sums of money to pay upkeep for a product that wasent generating a significant income.
As for the idea of pay to play WoW is actually not a good example since it's in such a unique possition due to it's incredible success. There are several things that sets the pay to play games appart from the free to play (potentially after a purchase):
1) Upkeep. Most games are ultimatly finished when launched. While a minor patch or two might be released, for the most part they stay the same after having been launched. Pay to play games keep eveolving since it's in their interest to keep players interested. In order to do so they employ a full development team to keep adding new features, content and art to the game.
2) Persistant servers. The major diffrence between most free multiplayer games and pay to play multiplayer games is that the later employs persistant servers. In diablo 2 you only connected to battlenet in order to sync up with other players. The actual gameplay were hosted on the players machines. Thats also the reason for the hard cap on the number of players you could find in one world.
In essence the pay to play games are less of a game in the traditional sense and more of an ongoing service. Paying a monthly fee allows you continued access to that service. Thats not at all diffrent from many other similar services you most likely already pay for. To use the original argument.. After I buy a mobile phone, why should I keep paying every month to be able to use it? If I buy a satelite dish, why should I continue to pay every month to get the programming?.. Hey.. If I buy a house, why should I keep paying rent after having bought it?
So.. is it worth it or is $15 unreasonable?
Thats obviously up to the individual. I've played a lot of MMO's over the years and generally enjoy the genre. for me it's generally worth it. I can easily spend 40-60 hours a month (if not more if I have the free time) in my MMO of choice. Compare that to the number of hours of game play you get from most games you buy for $40-50? 10 hours? 30 hours? There are exceptions (especially if you enjoy online FPS's) but generally even long games with a lot of content ends up being a lot more expensive 'pr hour' than most MMO's. At the end of the day, if you enjoy the genre you get a lot more game time for your money than you do with, for example, single player RPG's or single player shooters.
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