-Get used to using hotkeys. If you can, try not to click any skills on your hotbar, but assign your skills to hotkeys instead. It doesn't sound like much, but it'll help you better concentrate on the action in both PvE and, eventually, PvP. It helped me learn the other aspects of the game much more quickly.
-As a Rogue, swords or maces are easiest to use for leveling. You get backstab eventually (you probably already have it,) which is a skill that requires daggers and that you be behind your target. While backstab/mutilate can ouput some impressive damage, especially in groups, most people go the Sword or Mace route for leveling as it's much easier for solo play.
-Pick gathering professions to make money. Mining/Skinning is a good way to go until at least 40. You can drop these professions at any time and pick something else if you want.
-Once you get to instances (dungeons) at level 18ish, try and find good players around your level to consistently run the instances with. It makes getting groups together so much easier, and playing with the same players makes the runs go a lot more smoothly.
-Have fun, but try not to devote too much time to the game. The game is quite fun on your first play-through, but you'll get worn down with grinding towards the end of the game if you put too much time in.
Anyways, World of Warcraft was fun while it lasted (three level 60s and one 70 for me), but I'm awaiting Warhammer Online with great anticipation. Every aspect of the game just looks amazing.. especially the focus on RvR with World PvP, the concept of persistent capturable strongholds (guilds control them,) siege weaponry, an extremely diverse set of classes, a lesser focus on the importance of gear in PvP, not to mention you don't have to grind NPCs and you can progress exclusively through PvP. My interest only really picked up recently when I saw some of the beta RvR video action floating around (a lot of Shaman footage, and some cool Bright Wizard clips), but now I simply can't wait.
With that said, my last tip:
-Drop World of Warcraft when Warhammer Online comes out in a few moths :)
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