Seeing as Blizzard has just announced their new WoW expansion pack, I figured an interesting topic to discuss would be the new dungeons that could/should be in the expansion.
Now from my bit of knowledge on Northrends lore I think that some of the new instances will be...
Icecrown Citadel (kinda obvious)
Zul'Drak (home of Northrends Ice Trolls)
The Nexus (Home of Malygos and the Blue Dragonflight)
Azjol Nerub (Underground kingdom of the Nerubians, also a Dwarven expidition and the Faceless Ones)
And last but not least, though this wouldnt be a dungeon I believe that an area within Northrend will have the place where Frostmourne was kept before Arthas got it. (complete with old Arthas hammer and dead Muradin Bronzebeard goodness).
Now that I think of it why not discuss what other areas you think would be in Northrend other than instances.
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