In your opinion, which was the worst WoW expansion so far?
For me WoTLK will always be because it was boring, easy and the plot was kind of dumb.
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Wrath. A stupid amount of tiers of gear, boring leveling, boring raiding, some very bad arena seasons, and the dk and ret pally buffs all made it eh.
Wrath. Because it generated a lot of players who believe that fire does, indeed, give a haste buff. BC because it was... boring.
Cata has restored a bit of a "vanilla" style to WoW, which has led to a lot of QQing over WoW being too hard.
One more point with wrath. I tought us this lesson. Boss mechanics are for losers just zerg it until it dies.
Wrath, I haven't played since like 3.3.3 so I have no opinion on Cata.
BC was a huge shift at the time, but it was pretty cool. Outland is still amazing.
Wrath. A stupid amount of tiers of gear, boring leveling, boring raiding, some very bad arena seasons, and the dk and ret pally buffs all made it eh.
There was only one more tier in wrath than the previous versions of the game....
Also, Ulduar is the greatest thing to ever happen to raiding. Before Ulduar, raid bosses were no where near as difficult and had far less interesting abilities and were for the most part pure gear checks. It is also the coolest and most under-appreciated raid in WoW history, only because Blizzard decided to throw in TOC and decided to make Ulduar gear pointless when the LFD tool was introduced.
I really liked the LFD tool(although it did destroy raid progression and forced Blizzard to inflate stats on gear every tier after Ulduar), the dual talents, and the return to PVP in BG/outdoor form. The emblem system was kind of stupid but the points system towards the end was a really great addition.
Wrath made me quit the game after 5 years of subscription so that gets my vote. Sure, the leveling zones and quests were pretty good to get up to 80, but everything after was terrible. The instances were rediculously easy. Heroic mode was a total joke. I was a tank class (not pally, but warrior) and everything was just AOE tank it all. There was no longer any skill involved to complete a heroic IMHO.
The raids that launched were awful as well. Naxx 2.0 and a couple of 1 boss raids reaked of Blizz taking the cheap route with content. The 3.1 raid was pretty good, but the tournament was a total joke. Redciulously easy too. My guild was completing the 25 man it in under an hour with our alts shortly after release. They were doing the same on heroic mode with the mains too.
To be fair, I didn't play the final icecrown raid because I had quit by then, but I did make a quick revival of my account at one point only to be horrified by this thing called GEARSCORE. Everything was GS this and GS that. Even though my gear was just fine, this was the last straw for me. Will not ever be returning to the game. I truly miss the epic days in Vanilla WoW and even BC had its moments.
Personally, Cataclysm is my least favorite by far. In a way though, they did such a great job with Cataclysm, I loved every second of it while it was still fresh, but all the previous expansions kept me entertained for far longer than Cata has. I recently canceled my subscription last week, as far as I am concerned I have "beaten" the game... Main is a pally, broke 2k in 3s and almost 2s... so I have boo-koo arena gear, and besides raiding, my holy set, prot set, and ret set can NOT be upgraded. And something about Cata is making the alts less fun, although I do have a few other 85's.
I dunno, as said previously, it's a great expansion, but at the same time became boring the fastest for me. I am in a raiding guild but paying 15 a month to raid 2 times a week just isn't worth it.
Wrath. A stupid amount of tiers of gear, boring leveling, boring raiding, some very bad arena seasons, and the dk and ret pally buffs all made it eh.
There was only one more tier in wrath than the previous versions of the game....
Also, Ulduar is the greatest thing to ever happen to raiding. Before Ulduar, raid bosses were no where near as difficult and had far less interesting abilities and were for the most part pure gear checks. It is also the coolest and most under-appreciated raid in WoW history, only because Blizzard decided to throw in TOC and decided to make Ulduar gear pointless when the LFD tool was introduced.
I really liked the LFD tool(although it did destroy raid progression and forced Blizzard to inflate stats on gear every tier after Ulduar), the dual talents, and the return to PVP in BG/outdoor form. The emblem system was kind of stupid but the points system towards the end was a really great addition.
Level 200 blues Level 200 epics Level 213 epics level 219 epics That was just the first tier with naxx Icc had the same thing with the 251 and 258 and 264 and 277 and 284.Wrath of the Lich King is the worst expansion. Good thing Cataclysm redeemed the rather tedious WotLK expansion. I havent done 80-85 yet (quit at lvl 75) but the 1-58 zones were excellent, too bad my leveling buddy used a leveling guide so I could not properly enjoy those areas :(.
TBC was the best. That was also when I raided, I also did some slight raiding in WotLK but the dungeons just werent a lot of fun.
Wrath. A stupid amount of tiers of gear, boring leveling, boring raiding, some very bad arena seasons, and the dk and ret pally buffs all made it eh.
There was only one more tier in wrath than the previous versions of the game....
Also, Ulduar is the greatest thing to ever happen to raiding. Before Ulduar, raid bosses were no where near as difficult and had far less interesting abilities and were for the most part pure gear checks. It is also the coolest and most under-appreciated raid in WoW history, only because Blizzard decided to throw in TOC and decided to make Ulduar gear pointless when the LFD tool was introduced.
I really liked the LFD tool(although it did destroy raid progression and forced Blizzard to inflate stats on gear every tier after Ulduar), the dual talents, and the return to PVP in BG/outdoor form. The emblem system was kind of stupid but the points system towards the end was a really great addition.
I agree about Ulduar. It wasn't the best raid for me, but it's certainly one of the best. From beginning to end it was a fantastic experience with audio, visual, boss encounters, pacing, rewards and more. And Algalon, I can listen to his dialogue for hours on end, it never gets old much like with Malygos.Please Log In to post.
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