[QUOTE="CreasianDevaili"]The only DDR3 i was looking at that was giving real benefit over DDR2 was in the 300-400 range. My DDR2-800 easily oc'ed to 890 without a issue, and was 50 bucks. If you can find DDR3 that is a good performancer for 190ish hell, let us know! I couldnt find anything worth my time at that price.LordEC911
$170AR OCZ Platinum 2gb DDR3 1600
Has Micron D9GTR ICs that overclock quite nicely to 1000mhz with decent latencies.
Out of stock there. Course I can see why.
Next ante up, 250 after 25 MIR. Still not bad, and its come down a good bit. I am sure these things can OC to DDR3-2000, but time will tell how far you can push the memory voltage and not burn them out. By the time rolls around that most go DDR3 I am sure we will know what can stand what. I am more interested at the highest stable 24/7 voltages, active cooling of course, so one can really tighten down the timings. Of course higher mhz almost always trumps tighter timings in gaming..but we will see how DDR3 pans out.
Still.. not bad prices.
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