[QUOTE="GummiRaccoon"]Male Undead Priest level 80
Male Orc Hunter Level 80
Female Blood Elf Warlock Level 80
Female Blood Elf Death Knight Level 80
I like the female blood elves because they are smaller and feel like they move around faster. In the xpac, I will be a goblin.
Also alliance is boring
hehe it's just broing to be good right? villain FTW!idunno man, I have a tough time calling the horde "villains".
theyre unconventional, and definately more akin to monsters and such, but they have their sense of honor. The Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, and Blood Elves are fighting for a cause every bit as just as any of the Alliance races. The only wildcard is the Undead, and frankly theyre the antiheroes of the game...arguably evil goals, but thus far they have proven good for all.
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