Message for Mods: This might sound like something for a blog, but no one reads blogs, I spend to much time writing this for it to go to waist, and its much easier to discuss this kind of stuff on a forum thats open to a lot more people, so just leave this topic be. After all its pertains to a major pc game, and other such games.
So I was forced to play wow when a friend of mine gave me a free 10 day trail for wow only to be dazed, and confused, wondering around a polygonal forest wondering what to do. Well that's not all I did obviously. I tried my hand at quest, traveling around the massive world, and talking to some of the common players of the game. I'm going to give you a run down of the 3 days I spent on my 10 day trail to help explain why I felt so alienated from the world (...of warcraft)
Disclaimer: This is a loose adaptation of my memories for this game, so don't take it too seriously.
Day one: I create an account on moonguard, and play as a rouge. After going through the simple tutorial, and learning the controls. IMO, they feel aged, and floaty, but at least functional. My mmo instincts from playing 3 year of runescape kick in and I start killing zombie wolves's or something till I get to a respectable level and process doing some quest involving the murder criminals, and the genocide of the kobald race. After that I turn in for the night.
First impression: ehh, its kinda fun, but the not very interesting so far aside from the combat which still feels aged.
Day two: I walk down to a village south of where I started out. This is where I start rising my brow at what I see, and realize that I should smoke something before taking this all in. What I see a a ton of people, and some of the weirdest lookin things , and creatures I've ever seen, and a motorcycle which makes me question the continuity of the universe. Little did I know that wasn't to weirdest thing I was gonna see. No that was going to happen when I walked into the tavern in the town. I'll list off what I saw when I walked in.
Half naked night elves dancing on top of tables(who are prolly men thinking its funny that the nerds watching are whacking it offline to their characters)
A starcraft 2 robot flying around(one more crack at the games continuity)
Absolute Anarchy involving idiots jumping around, and presumably fighting each other.
A guy running around yelling its the "LOG OFF, ITS ALMOST ThE END OF THE WORLD, GET A LIVE BEFORE YOU WAIST IT!" (ironically he was wearing what looked like high level armor)
Some other guy yelling out his name. I think it was Leroy something. Weirdo.....
The rest I cant explain properly, but if your a regular player I bet you know what I'm talking about.
So yea, WoW is weird. I proceed to go down to the basement to this place in the vain hope for finding someone sane in this game only to get killed by some chick. This is the point in the game where I decide to stop jerking around, and explore the supposedly massive world(....or warcraft) I was basically just running around a forest forever getting killed by wolves, and spiders. Eventually I gave up, and started playing MW2
Day three: This is where I start doing the quest around goldshire. Mostly because I wanted to know if there was any story to this game. The answer was no, or at least not much of one, and they mostly consisted of fetch quest, talking to people, and killing people. And its at this point where I realize that this is the exact same tripe I did in runescape, but didn't have the same sense of humor as runescape however the better gameplay of WoW is much preferred. 4 or 5 hours later I get tired of playing.
*Sigh* WoW failed to appeal to me during me play time with it. I really don't know what to say about it other than ehh. I mean its alright as a game, but a don't really get how some people can play hours on end without getting bored from all the lvl grinding, and generic quest. Maby I'm missing something, maby I'm just a twit, but it seems like there's no goal or end to the game, and without that I don't really care to pay 15$ a month just so I can.... uhh. Ugg, see that's my point, There's no strong reason for me to want to lvl up, and do these quest when in the end all it did was give me a slightly shinier sword. You might be able to say " well lable, you overly pretentious troll, whats the point in playing other games? After all your only playing to get to the end credits, and at least WoW isn't just 10 hours long" My response to that would be because I when I play a game want an experience that entertains me, and can give me closure, or rather something that when put it down, and I walk away from it I feel like I did something meaningfull, or fullfilling. In the case of WoW the sense of closure doesn't exist.
I want you to dwell on what I'm saying, and maby discuss what I'm not getting(or explain why I'm an idiot if you see it fit) I want you to also keep in mind that the reason I made this topic was to help me understand this game, and other MMO's because my complaints pertains to all MMO's. My wanting to understand this isn't out of shear curiosity ether. There is a purpose. I myself am an amateur game designer, and understanding more about games, and game genres helps me as a designer design more focused games build around the psychology of the players.
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