its a good game , but i didnt finished it i dont know why,i just didnt want to play it anymore, i lost the interest in it,dont know why there is something missing in the game that forces you to keep playing it
I agree. I did finish it, but the game just started getting harder and harder to push through. It's more than just the poor and repetitive AI, it is something else. I felt the same way about Doom 3, but to a lesser extent. Doom 3 somehow kept me a little more intrigued.
I guess this opens up a topic I'd like to touch on, comparing Doom 3 to Quake 4. As I said, Quake 4 is about a 7.5 for me. I would rate Doom 3 something like an 8. Both games are pretty similar, but I feel Doom 3 has some key advantages over Quake 4.
First, the weapons felt like they had their own niches. That's not to say I particularly liked Doom 3's weapons. Most of them had piss-poor sounds (the coughing pistol, the hammer-banging-on-metal shotgun, the staplegun-like machine gun, the drumbeat chaingun), and they weren't especially satisfying to use. But at least they all had a direction, a use for different types of enemies. Quake 4's weapons weren't like this. They felt more reliable and satisfying overall, but rarely did I feel like I would need weapon X instead of weapon Y to kill this next bad guy, and I'd have to switch to weapon Z once that other guy over there came after me...
Second, the enemies were generally rather different in the way they dealt with you in D3. This worked in tandem with the way the weapons worked better for different enemies and situations, so that each enemy had a weapon or two that would work better than the others against it. In Quake 4, too many of the enemies felt like basically the same thing, with different weapons and different amounts of health. Too many enemies could be dealt with by the assault rifle, for example, about as effectively as the other weapons, unless you were facing one of the bigger baddies with more health. This meant there was little need to switch up your tactics for each encounter, which perpetuated the monotony.
To me, those were the two biggest problems that made Quake 4 harder to push through for me. I had written out a few paragraphs about the smaller things that made Doom 3 easier to go through, then I clicked preview and realized I've gone on long enough... :P
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