Well I'm expecting a 8 - 8.5 from it. Here's my views, lol. I was playing as the Hunter (Gun girl)
(Running it on Medium settings)
Intel Duo Core 2 (2.0GHz)
ATI x1400 Grpahics card
1 GB Ram
There are still glitchs through out, like walking thorugh NPCs in the towns, the leaping guys (similar to the leapers in Diablo II Desert) glitch up when they jump bya wall.
Action is slow pace through the first levels, which is kinda like Diablo II anyways. Same with the Zombies not being that smart. Altough when you get in some of the dungens there are nice swarms that reallu shows the true light to what this game might do in later levels.
I don't know if I like the Shield you have or not. You get hit 5 times and it goes away then you start losing health. Then it Regnerates. Don't know if its good or bad...
The action and leveing up system is nicely done and I like the skills I got to use. Hopfully there is more action because I only got hit around 10-15 times through out a hour of playing.
Couldn't find anymore quests and couldn't find out where to go next (killed all in that tunnel that leads to a red thing with computers all around)
But, SO MANY SIMILARIES TO DIABLO! Which I like! since i was a huge fan of that.
I'm ggetting this game since it looks promising and has nice gamplay! Woo.
Can Beta testers share some views on the game, like does the action and AI get good? Lots of intense action?
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