Well, do not limit yourself to just those two.
Lets take a look at all the melee classes:
1. Warrior: pretty straight forward, no mana to worry about, cool talents and stuff. Can do excellent dps, but from what Ive heard their tanking ability has been diminished a lot with patch 4.0
2. Paladin: like the druid, the paladin can fill three roles, and perform them incredibly well. I am biased; I have a paly tank and I LOVE playing her...theyre fun, they have a ton of cool abilities, and I constantly see damage-dealing paladins at the top of the dps charts. Theyre just ass kickers, plain and simple, and very interesting to play.
3. Rogue: stealth-based damage dealer. Cool abilities, but does only one thing very well.
4. Druid: can fill all three roles well, but has the added perk of being able to melee dps and range dps. To be honest, though, I hardly see any melee dps (cat form) druids at level 80...that is not to say they dont do good damage, but it seems like come 80 if a druid wants to dps, they go balance.
5. Death Knight: death knight is cool because they start at 55, and this gives you a good head start. With patch 4.0, death knights do TREMENDOUS damage...my death knight has a gear score of 3500 (not that great at all) and does 4500 dps on dummies, and 3200+ in dungeons. They also tank very well, and frankly the lore and playstyle has a unique feeling to it.
6. Shaman: in terms of melee, I feel they play somewhat similiar to paladins; they have shields (like auras), buffs, and weapon enchants. Unfortunately theyre more fragile than the plate wearers and the druids, and are strictly limited to dps.
Personally I favor the paladin. There is something awesome about being able to outtank most other classes in the game easily, and then switch your spec and do insane damage or heal a dungeon in full plate.
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