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Guild wars > WoW
hate to say it "well ok i love to" but i think guild wars is a lot better then Wow, due to many things but 1 of the bigest things that makes Guild wars stand out over ALL MMOs is the time it takes to level does not take long to level to the max level, week tops. this lets you try all the classes. In Wow you have to put a lot of time in to leveling,
i dont know about you but i like to play the game with other people, Guild wars does a good job with this, theres always some 1 that is remaking / making a new toon so even low level content has people playing it, i played WoW and got to about lvl 42 before giving up cause i was always playing alone. i looked a lot but, didnt find any guild that let levels lower then 60 join, most the time you will be leveling alone unless you find a guild that will help you level "saying is not doing"
Guild wars is not a pay to play, but still has tons events/tournaments "ive seen people win up to $500k" and i think there is a $100k tournament per mother
That said there is also a lot of PVE as well i still find my self doing some of the old missions from the 1st guild wars just for fun "same for the 2nd and 3rd" also there are a lot of instances to do, some of the big 1s are FOW DOA and both UWs
only thing Wow has over Guild wars is that guild wars has a lot of instances witch means there is the home instance where you can see other players and then when you go outside your alone unless you are in a group. but i think this works both ways seeing that you will never have to wait for respawns cause some guy was being a ahole and killed the boss with out inviting you
also 1 thing that makes Guild wars a FAR more competitive game is that you only have 8 skills out side of a home instance so you have to think on what you are going to use
t here are tons more reasons on why i think Guild wars is better then Wow but after talking about guild wars i think i may go play it Guild wars has a trail on their website " " id try it before getting Wow
yikes. does have it's staff on gamespot forums now?
Guild wars is cool, but the above poster forgot to mention one vital point: Guild Wars is not technically an MMOG. Not in the traditional sense.
Guild Wars shares more in common with diablo or phantasy star online than WoW. They are both good games but if you are looking for an MMORPG experience, Guild Wars will probably dissapoint you.
well im think of getting wow but im not to sure so i was look for some advice. whats the best class amd race? is wow worth playing? im getting the ten day trail today (have to wait after high school >.>). so plz if you can relpy soon would be nice thank you. sorry for spelling mistakes :)dawson7
its a really really good game.... id say go with the race and class that looks good and u think will b fun to play... dont relie on other peoples oppinion go with your gut instinct... if u dont like the class or the race you are playing roll another character and see how it goes
Guild wars is definetely not better than wow I played both for a year wow is far far far superior.
But to answer your question someone said pet class and then mentioned hunter, my advice don't do the hunter he's right in saying they are easy to lvl because well they are, but end game they aren't as useful as other classes. My first lvl 70 was a hunter and once i got to 70 all i really found was dissapointment (unless you really like the pvp). Druids are great classes to solo with and are more useful endgame, warlocks are a pet class they are good too. If you don't mind a bit of a challenge do a mage lots of fun once past lvl 50
Guild wars > WoW
hate to say it "well ok i love to" but i think guild wars is a lot better then Wow, due to many things but 1 of the bigest things that makes Guild wars stand out over ALL MMOs is the time it takes to level does not take long to level to the max level, week tops. this lets you try all the classes. In Wow you have to put a lot of time in to leveling,
i dont know about you but i like to play the game with other people, Guild wars does a good job with this, theres always some 1 that is remaking / making a new toon so even low level content has people playing it, i played WoW and got to about lvl 42 before giving up cause i was always playing alone. i looked a lot but, didnt find any guild that let levels lower then 60 join, most the time you will be leveling alone unless you find a guild that will help you level "saying is not doing"
Guild wars is not a pay to play, but still has tons events/tournaments "ive seen people win up to $500k" and i think there is a $100k tournament per mother
That said there is also a lot of PVE as well i still find my self doing some of the old missions from the 1st guild wars just for fun "same for the 2nd and 3rd" also there are a lot of instances to do, some of the big 1s are FOW DOA and both UWs
only thing Wow has over Guild wars is that guild wars has a lot of instances witch means there is the home instance where you can see other players and then when you go outside your alone unless you are in a group. but i think this works both ways seeing that you will never have to wait for respawns cause some guy was being a ahole and killed the boss with out inviting you
also 1 thing that makes Guild wars a FAR more competitive game is that you only have 8 skills out side of a home instance so you have to think on what you are going to use
t here are tons more reasons on why i think Guild wars is better then Wow but after talking about guild wars i think i may go play it Guild wars has a trail on their website " " id try it before getting Wow
thats nice, but the guy was asking about WoW. Not guild wars. With that said, you cant really compare the two: one is a true MMO, the other a combination of Diablo 2 and Neverwinter Nights.
As for the original question, choose whatever appeals to you. I prefer horde myself, but alliance aint bad. As for race, it depends on what classes. I think you should go with a melee class or pet-using class since theyre more exciting and noob-friendly imo. Rogue, hunter, warlock, and shaman are all decent classes to start with.
What class say allicance or horde is on you. Depends on your personality or likings. For class i would deffinetly try to be a Druid. Some people dont like them but they lvl fast and they are fun. I also have a warrior which is also a great common class
My friend let me play Guild Wars on his account for a while, and I could only really go for a few minutes. ALL of the character models were horrible. You either go with a slack jawed muscleman or a puny little mage looking thing. This wasnt recent though. And its nowhere fun at all. The combat is boring and the whole world is messed up and confusing and put into little sections which you always have to load to. WoW has a huge seamless world with more character customization. Your given a standard physique with each race but at least the face and other features are changeable. You'll get get a delicious sample of the game with the trial and upgrading is about 20 dollars and easy to do.
What I've said of Guild Wars may not be true anymore, but I couldnt get a good feel since the whole thing just felt...wrong.
well angle ill tell you if it worth downloading but to be honest it dont matter what i say if it your kind of game your like it. it looks very good do im think on going a gnome warlock or a tank. so im still stuck lol i hate picking things i can never choose
sorry if theres any spelling mistakes or f*** ups in my writing
9 million people can't be wrong, but you probably won't see the best of it, since I think the trial maxes you out at level 20. I personally would start with a pet class: the hunter makes for a good early class since it's pretty easy to solo with it, when you get your pet (although figuring out how to use them can be complicated). Druids can be pretty versatile. If you want something really straightforward, though, the warrior is probably your best bet. Easy to use, and you can take a beating and keep on fighting. MattRorie
Its 10 million now!
There isn't a "best race". They're pretty much all identical except for looks. Best class depends entirely on what patch you're playing. Blizzard changes all their favorite class often, so plan in advance if you're on a PvP server and you might get lucky.
My advice is don't buy the game. Play the trial and leave it at that.
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