Heya all,im trying to down the Patch 4.0.1,but when i look in the Log file this comes up ;10/13/10 16:55:40.2521 Downloader initializing... 10/13/10 16:56:17.5644 Creating Firewall interface 10/13/10 16:56:17.6386 Microsoft firewall not present or turned off (disabled). 10/13/10 16:56:17.6409 Creating Firewall interface 10/13/10 16:56:17.6713 Microsoft firewall not present or turned off (disabled). 10/13/10 16:56:17.6737 Not found Bonjour service. 10/13/10 16:56:17.6754 Creating UPnP interface 10/13/10 16:56:17.6770 Getting UPnPDevice Information 10/13/10 16:56:17.6844 Connecting to: http://eu.tracker.worldofwarcraft.com:3724/announce with 1 10/13/10 16:56:17.9694 Connected in 143+140 ms 10/13/10 16:56:23.0614 UPnP device Found: 10/13/10 16:56:23.0650 Manufacturer: Sagem 10/13/10 16:56:23.0677 Model: SAGEM_LB_IGD 10/13/10 16:56:23.0703 Model Number: 10/13/10 16:56:23.0731 Device URL: http://www.jungo.com 10/13/10 16:56:23.1350 Port-mapping already exists. Can anyone please help me out?
ok thnx,but wich one do i have to choose? http://www.wowwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:Outbound&f=Patch_mirrors&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.megaupload.com%2F%3Fd%3D5CNS25QJ if you live in USA and have already downloaded the huge background one. http://www.wowwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:Outbound&f=Patch_mirrors&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.megaupload.com%2F%3Fd%3DNV1K9Z9E - If you live in the EU and again have downloaded the huge one.
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