I have a level 70 hunter, who is probably the worst 70 hunter in the game... and im now leveling my warrior. im gonna have them both farm for money so i can get money for a PvP character. im not a hardcore player but when i do play im very serious. i was wondering advice for a good PvP class that wouldnt be put to such high expectations i.e. warriors. if u can help. id prefer staying away from mages, warlocks, and shaman tho :-)
What is a good pvp class today, is a bad pvp class tomorrow. This is the way things are. Every class in WoW has been overpowered, and severely underpowered at some point in its life.
Just play whatever you think is fun.
Hunter - Hunter is a very complex class that rewards skillful play. However, most people think "huntards" as they are called are noobs. It's about management with your pets, and about staying ranged.. never go into melee... always only for one or two hits to escape...
but most hunters don't understand this logic, since they think that when they can have hard hitting polearms and mail that they should be really effective... thats obviously not the case.
A Warrior is very effective with the right gear, but bad with subpar... warriors is as good as its gear.
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