some day you'll have a real job and THENyou can afford $15/month for entertainment
Its not about what we can afford. It is the fact that instead of paying for an MMO i could save the money and in 2 or 3 years buy a new computer or tv. Because to buy an MMO would be $50 and if the game uses the $15 a month it would cost $180 to have it for a year, then if the game gets an expansion... that would be $30 (or more... i don't know expansions seem more expensive now-a-days). For one year that would be $260... I could buy 5 Brand new games for that price. And i could buy a lot of 6 month old games for that much.I'm just saying. I spent $600 on my PC and in a matter for 2 years i would almost be able to do that if i did not pay to play an MMO. Is 1 game worth $230 (say an expansion doesn't come out). I like to game my time spent on a game to how much it cost ratio down to about a dollar and hour (shows me if i like the game a lot really...). i can't see the joy of spending 230 hours on one game. And yes i have played WoW, FFXI, and WAR (have tried many trials and free ones), but i have never had them longer than about 3 or 4 months.
But if you find that spending that money on one game to be fun then good for you. I don't, but you do... it doesn't really matter because it is only our opinions. It isn't like i'm right and your wrong (or vice versa), but it just seems like doing that would be like watching the same movie for 230 hours (after buying an illegal copy and the gov finding out so you have to pay a $230 fine).
I actually find that paying for an MMO saves me money. When I'm not playing an MMO I spend a lot more on other games. Given that most games go for $50 and usually last 10-30 hours depending on genere, $15/month can quickly save me $100+ a month in single player games :P
As for whether MMO's are fun. Well thats obviously subjective, but the idea of playing a game for hundreds of hours is not that odd. It actually holds true of just about any sport out there, most hobbies, most childrens games (Kids can spend hours on end playing in a sandbox, they dont grow tired and demand a sandbox expansion after 8 hours :P)
This Argument is pointless... don't try and change other peoples opinions to match your own just read my original post and either say i agree i disagree or thank you for the feed back.
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