Well I've been using Xbox live for my 360 for a long time now, well maybe not that long maybe 3 months. I played alot of call of duty 3, F.E.A.R, and Saints Row. I also used it so I can play origianl Xbox 1 games as well as download demos. But 1 day I logged in on my 360 xbl profile and it said it wasn't connected. So maybe I thought it was one of Microsoft's updates that they do so I didn't worry.
But soon I learned it wasn't them I checked later still wasn't up, so I go to the test connection, and it says that the MTU has failed, and when I go to see what the problem is or the error it is every single time it freezes on me. I thought that was weird since I played live for about 3 months no problem. I came to think could it have been that my mom who recently got a new modem that she hooked up to her computer be the cause of it. Because before then her and I shared a connection with one modem. I did play for about a week however after she got the new modem so it made me think even more. I also have no clue how to check mtu either. This was 2 months ago and i've been grinding my teeth for awhile trying to figure out what was wrong so now I come to this forum for help. Can anybody tell me a solution to this problem?
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