so im looking to buy a fairly cheap but good quality monitor for my xbox 360 in order to get the best out of its visual capabilities. what do you guys play on?? are there any suggestions out there?? thanks for the help.
you can get a 1080p monitor for like 600$ but u must make sure it can take signals and has speaks and has the right ports . also at around 24 intches ur not going to take much advantage of 1080p cus its ment for big screens . u can get a 720p witch is better for the size for 250-350$
Well, if you want to be real cheap (like me) just buy a 17LCD monitor that has a response time below 8MS. I found one on Newegg for $150. ^_^ HD, baby.
Pretty much all monitors are compatible with the 360 as long as they have a VGA input. Make sure you have speakers for sound as most monitors do not have speakers built in.
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