The two sci-fi's and the Post apoc/survival settings..
Least favorite now would probably have to be fantasy, don't get me wrong I will stay play the game if its great.. But most games now a days such as NWN, WoW, etc etc seem to have a specific ruleset they always run by.. Meaning that all fantasies are just about VERY similar with immense similarities from one another, just because how much influence things such as LOTR has had.
Sci-fi and Post apoc/survival settings seem to be much more fresh with different ideas that completely go on a tangent difference from one another.. From Freespace 2, Warhammer 40k, AVP, to entire Resident Evil series, as well as other avenues..
Don't get me wrong I don't mind Elves, dwarves etc etc cliches.. My problem though is the fact that these imo have been used to cover original concepts. That instead of spending tons of time creating something completely new they just decide to use aoverused cliche.. From the old wizard, to the tinker crazy gnome, to the drunk battle hardened dwarf.. To the delicate yet nimble Elf. Most games hardly ever change these ideas... One of the best Fantasies I have seen recently is the Vampire the Masquerades which has blew away alot of the cliches in many parts to create a very interesting experience most have never seen before.
Realistic things based off of world war 2 need to stop, there are so many bloody games that people are capable of almost telling every operation that happened in the war, whats it called, who was involved, and where it was..
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