I find that the problem is typically the attitude of the gamer. For some reason, most gamers think that it is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY for devs to provide them entertainment. Like they're just kept in a cage all day and told what to do and if something they make doesn't make someone happy they feel like they're OWED a better game.
They don't take into consideration that it's just a job for the people making the game. Even if you wear big daddy underoos or have Gordon Freeman bed sheets, it doesn't entitle you to anything.
People need to learn to enjoy the games that they can and appreciate the good ones that come along. The devs do it for the money...not your praise.
But let me just say this...we wouldn't have all of this stale gameplay with awesome new graphics had it not been for Xbox and its influence on gaming. If people want to have amazing games to play they HAVE TO STOP SUPPORTING CRAP! Xbox = all flash and no substance and because PC gamers are getting ports, not the way it should be, we're getting these games with amazing graphics but no originality or innovation.
If you ever contributed a single dime to Xbox you removed any right to complain...it's your fault :P
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