Yup, its time for another joke thread. Havent seen one of these in a while, so put your best or dumbest response/conclusion to "You know you play too many games when..."
...you care so much about the state of gamingyou reach level 33 on the GS forums :roll:
...you are watching a football (american) game with your friends, the quarterback gets sacked, and you say "oooh he got pwnt!"
...your next paycheck is still two weeks away and you are fussing over what games youre gonna buy as opposed to what bills youre going to pay.
...you pick up coins off the street so you can buy a WoW time card. Hey! Every penny counts, ok!?!!
...you take a look at your blogs on gamespot and realize you could have written a college thesis with all the time you spent.
OK all, save this thread and post something good.
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