what was your favourite first person shooter that u enjoyed the most ? my favourite fps was call of duty i liked that game so much that when i was finishing level i just restart it to enjoy it again
Everything Half-Life. Valve have done an excellent job with the series, and I hope it only gets better, if that is even possible! Infinity Ward should pat themselves on the back also, for their excellent Call of Duty series.
Single player - If hybrid RPG/FPS count, then System Shock 2. Scared my socks off playing it. If not, then Half-Life 2 - there's just something compelling about the way it told its story... Multiplayer - Unreal Tournament 2004. I just love Onslaught.
F.E.A.R. - Battlefield 2 - Battlefield 2: Special Forces - Battlefield 2142 - Medal of Honour: Pacific Assualt - Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 - Far cry - Half Life 2 - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Some of the game is First Person, Kinda :P)
i started FPS relatively late. My favorite for single player would be CoD2 and hl2. Never got into far cry, but dont think i ever will. Multiplayer would be all the source multiplayer games, quake 4, UT, not BF2 anymore, and call of duty. And no matter how hard I tried, I just dont find halo ever interesting.
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