I'm not a hardcore COD fan, but I've played my share, including COD1, 2, 4, WAW, BO, MW1, 2, and now 3.
Firstly, I want to mention that I don't go easy on graphics. I'm both a videophile and an audiophile. I play 1080p maxed out during single player or I don't play at all. Multiplayer is a different story though.. Anyway..
I thought MW3 looked pretty good maxed out. The textures were very sharp, the shaders looked good and the geometry wasn't bad. The mission in France where you wear the mask was particularly impressive because it felt allot like Crysis. The lighting seems to have improved. The battles are allot larger in scale and the increase of NPCs made it feel more.. war-like. Overall, there was allot more of.. everything. It was allot messier and grittier, which I liked. Sure, it didn't tax my PC like Crysis would, but that doesn't mean it looked bad. As far as SFX.. Well I can't really recall if there's an improvement or not, but it sounds pretty good on my Xonar Essence STX sound card emulating 5.1 surround..
Some have complained that you can run through the whole game without shooting a single enemy because your teammates will do it. That's a GOOD sign IMO. It means your teammates aren't useless bots that just get in the way of things and follow you around. It also means that enemies don't prioritize YOU over your teammates like in previous COD games. At least this time your team has a clue. Still, if you play on a harder difficulty, your survival isn't gauranteed.
The car scenes were clearly the best I've ever played. Absolutely insane.
Having said those things, I still get bored quickly during the campaign. I usually play a 1-hour session and call it quits for a bit, then go back and repeat. I'm sad to see that I'm over 60% done with the campaign though. As much as I want to hate IW for crapping out COD games so much with so little improvement to actual gameplay mechanics, I'm enjoying this campaign a bit.
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