Okay, I have boy cotted this game before, but now this is getting stupid. Defending this game, what is the point of complaining that this came out too soon!!!!! I only think a few people know about valve properly, first of all, valve own about 20 other games, which all need updating, bugfixing, mapping and so many other things! The game comes out in a few months, it doesn't come out right now! These guys at Valve must be praised, they must of spent atleast 3 months, HALTING about 20 games updates to finish this game, and all you can do is be ungrateful to these guys!!!!!!! You must be so cheap if you cant afford a game which costs £20.00!. The goddamn preorder is always double the price. Go to Cashcrate, go work, beg, I don't care what you guys do but you really are putting it hard on this new game... Of course, judging about some one who said Witches can't walk in daylight. I can laugh at that all day. Nobody here has the proper defination of a Left 4 Dead 2 zombie. Zombies can walk around in daylight as much they can in night. About the guns, I don't know why no one is happy they have different guns, 11 types of guns!, before there was only 6! Including the pistol! This game will not flop/fail and it will get bought. Fire ammo????? Wtf, Wtf,Wtf. Its called fuel! I am guessing now we will have another use for fuel cans in Left 4 Dead. Stop boycotting a game which people wasted their time for and appreciate it, I know I do...
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