Ah you're from Argentina. I have to know, how were you or your family affected by the collapse of your country's economy? Are things looking better? I hear many middle class people became automatically poor and was a HUGE crisis. Hope you respond.
On topic, Malboro. BAD BREATH FTW!!!
What happened in 2001 when the crisis exploded was an event that was building up for the past 10 years. The presisdent at that time, did a political move and made that the U$S to be worth 1 Peso (argentinean currency) in Argentina, thus the goverment was using tons of money to keep that thing going on, but those who travelled knew that Pesos were useless outside, and that the exchange was different, since it was almost as it is today: 1 U$S= 3.1 $.
This thing made lots of argentinean to trusty, and many deposited money on bancks in dollar accounts, others made lots of shopping in payments (= debts). Those guys in most of the cases got screwed. Those who started payments got screwed because of the conversion in some cases and because salaries are the same as in those days, only that in pesos (thus they are a 3rd of what they used to be). Now, the banks played it safe, and decided to give money to some people, but in pesos, meaning that those who deposited 10k dollars, received 10k pesos. But banks used lots of sharing with the people, with easy to access plans, so many had debts with the bank too, and the banks runned out of money because of this. So the banks started mortgaging (is that even a word?) peoples goods in order to obtain the money to give it back.
The middle class-men that turned into poor guys are people that lacked any studies, or were bad at what they did. Most of the hard working class stayed in their places, but had to do bigger efforts to keep that status. As for myself, I was somewhat a kid back then (Im 20 by the way) and my folks almost lost the store we own, but we made it through and now we may not be kings, but we are living really comfortable lives, though we still work.
Now, another crisis is about to happen, its a common sign in our presidents to become enemies with the worlds economic powers (USA, UK, etc) and the president, who is an **** decided to freeze many services prices in order to gain more votes. This is causing lots and lots of service issues that cant be solved without companies investing in them, but companies wont invest where they cant make a profit, so they dont invest. Another thing thats hurting the country and us, the civilians is the support that the gov is giving to both foreigners and unemployed people. Now this may seem like a good thing, but the only control it has comes in the time for elections. As long as those guys dont have jobs, they get money from the gov to support them until they find one, but what happens? If they dont find one, they get paid, but if they do find one, they dont get paid. So what do they do? They grow fat asses, sit on a bed the whole day, go to every manifestation, ruins other peoples bussinesses by breaking their stores during them and keeps sinking a country that was a bigger power in the early 1900s than USA to a hole deeper than Hells mouth.
By the way, I study economy at the University so I have more things that piss me off too. Luckily, I may leave the country in the future, or get a real good job here but who knows.
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