I remember Soul Blade's intro as it was one of my favorites as well. I think for me, it was mainly the song that did it for me. That was my favorite but all of the Soul Calibur games have had really memorable intros for me.
FF VI... Not much to say here other than it was very different compared to other RPG's of it's time. It somehow built up some excitement for the game.
FF VIII had a beautiful intro that still remains one of my all time favorites... It not only had memorable music that was in sync with what was going on but also had elements of the story that showed up later on in the game. (ie: "I'll be waiting... For you... So... If you come. You will find me. I promise.")
FF Tactics was memorable to me mainly because of the music and over all it just set the mood. You just knew you were in for something truly epic.
And yeah, I have one more Final Fantasy as a favorite into... FF XII was really enjoyable to me. A bit on the long side but it really pulled me in.
Xenogears... It was short but seemed very powerful to me for some reason. For it's time, it was well polished and again set the mood for what was to become something truly special.
While I didn't really care for the game too much, I loved the Kingdom Hearts intro. Valkyrie Profile 2(simply beautiful all around) and SMT Digital Devil Saga, Chrono Cross are a few more that come to mind. I just enjoyed the music. I guess for me, it's more about the music than the visuals.
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