I saw in the newpapaer yesterday that Bully is only $20 at circuit city. I never got around to buying it when it came out lawt fall and that lowered proce for it makes it enticing since most stores still sell it at $40. So I was how is the gameplay for it like? Is it as fun as any GTA game? Suggestions would be appreciated.
It took me 35 hours to beat the story the first time. Why? Because I spent countless hours beating up those damn nerds, little girls, and prefects. Over 3000 to be exact. You really get to take your frustrations out in this game.
Bully is one of the most unique games in the PS2 library of games. The concept is so original and playing it means hours upon hours of sheer F.U.N.!!!!!!! And you found it for 20 bucks!! Buy it. BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks guys. I bought it 2 days ago and it's a really fun game. I love beating up the nerds and jocks:D I'd have to put it up there with San Andreas as the best rockstar game.
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