How many of you have played Final Fantasy XII? Well I got it several days ago and have been playing it for the longest of time. I have no idea how this game even scored a 9.0 when its the most time consuming game I've ever played. There are allot of problems such as extreeeeeeeeemly slow leveling up so your always forced to play with just one character at a time which not only makes it more harder but still doesnt help the characters level up all that fast.
My first impression with this game was " Wow the japanese must really think that Americans and Europeans dont have a life so we can just sit on our butt all day trying to play a slow boring a** RPG game that takes forever to get everything you need. Its also a pain in the a** because you deffinatly have to buy the strategy guide if you plan to get 100% of the game completed. Don't worry Im not bashing the FF series at all. I honestled loved 7 and 8 the best simply because they were fun. FF 7 still has the best party members out of the entire series no doubt. I just think that Final Fantasy is becoming sh*t now that its gone further into the saga. With worst characters being introduced as your main character and he's constantly a wuss. Sort like how Tidus was always being told what to do by Auron and now Vaan gets told what to do by some f*g that talks like a stupid British. Whats his name again? Balthier? And that ugly idiot thing with the rabit ears which has the worst design out of all of them? Yeah her name is Fran. I'm surprised I remembered their names. Anyway the best feature is the new way of performing special arts. You can use all the characters limit breaks at the same time and keep going until your time runs out which can last forever if your fast enough. Yeah they arent called limit breaks anymore "mist charges" is the new name. Still I wish these FF games were more like the originals.
Sorry to say but I hate this one even more than I hated FF X. FFX was boring and FFXII is a waste of time. I doubt anyone that actually finished it would go back and play it all over again unless they cheat by using a shark. Best RPGs are the old ones for the PSX. To hell with these PS2 RPG games.
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