Roflolmao the Original poster is funny.
Obvoiusly he is a fanboy lol but some parts he said was true. "Keep your PS2, it will keep you company until the good games for PS3 comes out"
Still playing my PS2 games.
Still playing my xbox games.
Offloaded my Gamecube.
Loving my 360 games.
Looking forwars to the really big PS3 games.
There's plenty of goodness to go around.
hey XBOX 360 fans i just wanna say real quick that none of you should waste your time on getting or keeping your Xbox360 instead get a ps2 cause it has more games and will not let you down.....unless you want to crap money from your behind . So if you want a good console get the ps2 slim and that is the nice light weight small one.....anyway if you want a real next gen machine get the the PS3 in the very near future it will give you what you want. i should know i am a sony fan who got ps3 and sold it for even more money and stayed with my ps2 and currently waiting for more games to come out on the PS3HZ2OHFIXED!
[QUOTE="HZ2OH"]hey XBOX 360 fans i just wanna say real quick that none of you should waste your time on getting or keeping your Xbox360 instead get a ps2 cause it has more games and will not let you down.....unless you want to crap money from your behind . So if you want a good console get the ps2 slim and that is the nice light weight small one.....anyway if you want a real next gen machine get the the PS3 in the very near future it will give you what you want. i should know i am a microsoft fan who got 360 and sold it for even more money and stayed with my ps2 and currently waiting for more games to come out on the PS3PreLuDe_DuDeFIXED!
just edited that last bit there :)
I have to say the ps2 is still alive with some new good games coming out, for me ive got the Ps3 and i like not having to pay subscriptions for online gaming (thank God looking at the price we paid for the ps3) but there aren't many great games out for it yet. Ps2 keepsyou company while you are waiting
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